Herd Master
Yep, candidates for the dumpster...... does your daughter have an aversion to leather because it comes from an animal? If so, then what is her take on all this fake stuff that won't even biodegrade????? I can't seem to get my head around some of the reasoning that the "tree hugger" types have. Not trying to be disrespectful.... I just don't get the not killing anything yet nature has intended for "higher life forms" to kill, eat , use and eventually discard "lower life forms" that will return to the earth in a natural way.
I think your idea of having the racks to put up on the porch all in a big "piece" rather than having to do it all by hand is a great idea. Who the he// cares what it looks like if it does the job?
If looks were important, I would be driving a new(er) truck, making payments, have newer tractors, and cows with registration papers.....
Instead, I have ALL PAID FOR....a 2000 subaru forester ( as soon as the rebuilt engine gets put in it), a 1994 ford ranger pickup with some "DEER MODIFICATIONS" and a different colored drivers door from a slight bent backwards door that was sprung and we had to replace it; a 1984 4wd ranger pickup with faded black paint, no tailgate but a short "stop board" and right now a broken muffler, and no radio but the heat does work....
Our newest big P.U. truck is a 1998 ford f350 crew cab; our preferred truck to pull the cattle trailer is a f-250 maybe a 95(?), plus various other trucks to take to and from fields... most on "farm use" tags.
Plus my preferred tractor is a 40's model faded paint, iron seat, no power steering, type, Farmall H to rake hay in small tight fields; faded old ford 4600 and 6600 tractors with live hydraulics to use other farm equipment; old Allis Chalmers 190's and 200's for other stuff, a BIG 7040(?) allis that actually has a cab.... plus the 2 newer tractors, a big agco allis to use with the discbine, and the 4wd big John Deere that is part of the payments on the rented farm....they both have air cooling ( not really air conditioning cold...) both over 100 hp each for the big equipment.
Plus so much other equipment it looks like a used tractor/equipment lot; rakes, tedders, round and square balers, wagons.... All paid for except the discbine.....
All the angus and other cross bred cattle.....paid for. All the bulls are registered purebreds so we do believe in "upgrading"... again paid for.
We are into as much paid for as we can.... yet we still owe nearly $20,000 in seed and fertilizer, spraying some fields, from 2018 operations....with feeder calf prices down and not looking good so don't know how much of that we will have to carry over .....
So don't apologize for being practical and a little ingenuity for the rack. Looks be d#@%d.
LIKE x 1,000!!!!!