Bruce's Journal


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Not real exciting but figure I should post on my own thread occasionally ;)

There is some underground water running into the pond, even with the really cold temps the south end hasn't frozen. The southern end is the higher elevation but shallowest part.

Had some snow a week or so back, was above freezing yesterday and Friday so some of it melted. Chickens very happy since they have some grass to wander around, they won't come out of the barn in the snow. They are happily out foraging. One of the EEs laid an egg today, quite unexpected as I've never had an EE lay at this time of year other than their first year. I don't have any EE pullets this year. Not expecting this to continue through the winter.

Took advantage of the lessening snow and took the tractor out to the edge of the woods to pull out some trees I had felled some weeks ago. Yes I DID check those lug nuts first! Also dropped a tree I had marked but didn't have time to cut last time I was out. Not sure how much wood I have in 16" rounds or "logs" ready to split. Still too much snow on the wood I previously cut to 16" to split and supposed to get more snow tomorrow, maybe 2". Supposed to get up over freezing the end of the week so maybe the new stuff and some old will melt off. I have 3 racks full (1 cord) I rearranged the 3 racks so they are easy to get to when they are needed at the porch. The boards I had on the ground to keep the racks from freezing in were frozen to the ground, had to bash them loose. I have 1 rack half full though I'm not sure I can even move that one. It is on the ground right next to where I split, not on any "shims".


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Pretty exciting day here on the "Farm".
If you are into BORING! ;)

Went grocery shopping, Thursday is the day I drive 25 miles to the healthy food store, only place I can get some things DW requires. Had plans to split at least a run if not a run and a half since it was dry and reasonably warm (read "above freezing") but by the time I got the empty rack off the porch landing, freed up the half full rack from the ground with a 3' crowbar (*), got the rear weight off the GT so I could pull the splitter out of the little barn and get it set up it was already 2:45.

Got DD1 and her BF (visiting from Indiana) to come out and help. Typical response when I asked:
"Oh Joy". I don't think there was an eye roll with it but it was that tone of voice. Yep, can't help out without at least a complaint of some sort. DD runs the splitter, we ran a few rounds so the BF learned what to do (city boy ;)) then I went to snack the chickens and the alpacas and close the barn.

By the time we got the half rack full and moved to the storage location it was getting dark. Rain tomorrow and Saturday. Maybe we can split and fill that empty rack Sunday. You can sure tell the rounds that were cut from a tree that was live when I felled it. Water squished out as the wedge started to push in. I might be splitting wood for the NEXT heating season! It might make sense to hold the stuff I split now and later in the season to the end and start burning the stuff on the porch once the 3 racks that were filled a month or more back are used up. Or, if they aren't burning well, even sooner. Trial and error I guess.

* didn't want to use the tractor, if it was really frozen in I could have ripped the 3 bottom boards off and left them in the ground.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Let DD1 and the BF have their own place, and pay for the fuel oil, or propane(natural) gas and see how much of an "oh joy" attitude they have......
Bless you , your "kids" get to me. They are like 2 yr olds when you need some help to help keep THEIR BUTTS warm and comfortable. Not to mention all that you do for them with the cars and snow tires and whatever else....


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Um, you aren't planning to go to the great beyond some time today I hope @RollingAcres !!

Yeah it is annoying. If I am dumb enough to say "I'm going to be doing xyz, who wants to help" even DW gives me a "Don't want to but I will" response. Of course she works 6 days a week and does laundry on Sunday.

BF did fine. Once they were out there it was OK.


Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
Um, you aren't planning to go to the great beyond some time today I hope @RollingAcres !!

Yeah it is annoying. If I am dumb enough to say "I'm going to be doing xyz, who wants to help" even DW gives me a "Don't want to but I will" response. Of course she works 6 days a week and does laundry on Sunday.

BF did fine. Once they were out there it was OK.
No no, not going to the great beyond. :)

I usually say to my son "hey buddy, come help me please" or "why don't you help me please?"
I hope she only does laundry for you and her.