Herd Master
Your a good wife, Bruce.Busy day today
- Got up at 7, fed the cats (yes the ones that woke us up)
- Made French Toast, fed DW and DD2 (DD1 is in Indiana) and me
- Started adding more water to DW's pool. I've vacuumed to waste twice to get all the needles and fine dust/dirt out of it. Several hours of time.
- Yesterday I discovered a zerk was missing on the garden tractor mower deck when I was prepping it for use. Found one this morning, installed it, greased that spindle, put the deck on and mowed
- Spent a good half hour plus scraping the wet grass (though it hasn't rained since Friday) out of the deck. I still can't believe they waste the time to put a "washout port" on the deck. It is as effective as if I were to spit on it.
- Turned water off in the pool, backwashed. Ready for water test and chemicals, only ready for penguins to swim in it though, 55°.
- Came in for a short rest and forum time (and a Dr. Pepper)
- Split a bit over a run of cordwood, DD2 helped. Said it was because DW asked her to but she would have anyway if I asked nice with a "please". Having a second person took about 1/2 off the job since there was always someone splitting or getting the wedge in position for the next piece.
- Made lasagna for dinner.