Bruce's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
All of the reasons listed are why I don't have one. But Mr. @Bruce, you DO have one and I am fairly certain you used it to deepen your pond. So are you happy you got one? Either way, if you would kindly do so, let us all know here on BYH and even more importantly, let the viewers of Tractor Mike know what you think.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Yep, I've watched all the Tractor Mikes. I did post on that one, taking the hoe off my tractor (which is a Mahindra similar to the one he was standing behind I think) wasn't hard at all. My guess is that he's never done it more than a couple of times, or maybe they were a lot harder back when he was selling tractors and he's not checked into "current technology".

The process for mine: Set the bucket and stabilizers on the ground, pull two pins, push the hoe up off the tractor with the stabilizers, pull the tractor forward a bit and disconnect the hoses. I've not tried to put it back on, I'm sure that will be "fun" since lining it up will be critical. Beyond that, it is the reverse of taking it off. Back up, connect the hoses, raise the hoe with the stabilizers (which leak down so they are currently flat on the ground), back up more, lower the hoe onto the "cradle", reinstall the pins. Since I don't have inside storage for it, I have it covered with a tarp in front of the barn. No desire to leave any equipment out in the sun/rain/snow.

Am I glad I got mine?? Yes, digging that pond out took both the loader bucket and the hoe (and the hoe rescued me a couple of times). It would have been pretty expensive to rent one for the time I used it and since I have no way to transport such things I'd have to pay for delivery and pickup as well. I was doing the 50 hour service on the tractor by the end of the second week of ownership. I wouldn't consider a 3 pt hoe any more than I would consider forks that clamp on to the bucket. Way too much chance to damage things with weight and pressure they were not designed to handle.

If I need to bury a large animal, my hoe could easily do the job (assuming I can find somewhere without ledge) as it will dig down 10', I don't know what he was talking about there unless he was thinking a little 3 pt hoe on a subcompact tractor. He could certainly do it with that Mahindra and I posted as much. I do have future uses for my hoe and could have saved some money on "hired out" projects if I had the machine 3 years earlier but agree one should think about why they want a hoe in the first place. If you have access to one free or cheap for some occasional small jobs, that would certainly suggest your money could be better spent on other implements/attachments (or :hide something non tractor related).


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
I went back and read all of the comments on that video. I somehow overlooked your comment, but I am glad to know you provided one. I also learned about towable backhoes / trenchers. That looks like something that could be useful and not require being attached to the tractor. Here is a video demonstrating one in action:


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Curious little machine. $3K at Harbor Freight. This guy sure put his to the test, likely a lot more than the designers planned for but it did the job. You can see him crabbing it to move the machine around the 27 minute mark. As he says, it is really more meant for digging trenches than digging large stumps and I can see how one could dig a trench using the bucket to lift the stabilizers and push the machine back as shown in the video you linked

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
If I had a back hoe, I'd dig a pond. I doubt that my little tractor could do much, but I am still delighted with it.

I had two pond holes but neither held water so I won't be getting back hoe. :) A friend has a gigantic dozer that makes stumps look like sticks and I can get him for $100 an hour.