Bruce's Journal


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
May be some roosts placed in other areas would give them an Escape to Safety in their mind, enough that they wouldn't Scatter on ya a couple in the alley might do the trick for ya.:) As far as the bucket goes, I'd keep hanging it inside for him to take his Lunch to Work with him so he thinks he is doing something Constructive....just a thought. I always watch an animal and work with their 'Natural Tendencies' to get things accomplished....less discipline, training, and a whole lot less Frustration. :)


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Seems like you've met a very intelligent beast there Bruce. Maybe get him some wire spools or other "exercise yard" type things for him to play around on out in his area. Seems like he needs a challenge and since one isn't forthcoming, he's "making do" with what he can. I think the thing with the food dish is just him "working for his meal". Won't much matter where you fill the bowl, he's gonna carry it around for a bit to earn his food. Sorry he's been testing escape routes, but at least for the time being he's staying close when he's successful.

Just one word of caution... when he does escape, do NOT chase him to try and catch him. He will think that this is a wonderful game you want to play and trust me, he can go a much farther distance, faster, and has better endurance than you do. Far better to just meander around with him and let him think it's his idea as you put the collar/harness/lead on him, then gently work your way back to where you want him. Think partnership rather than "obedience"...


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Wife melted down last night. Afraid she is going to kill herself falling asleep on her commute to work. Said it has happened 3 times each on 2 days. She can not block out Merlin when he is at work and he works nights. She gets up at 5 AM for work 6 days a week. She is frequently pretty stiff and uncomfortable with her RA which makes it hard to get to sleep anyway.

Very very :( I will be returning Merlin to @purplequeenvt on Wednesday. DD1 looks on the outside :hit like I am on the inside. Doing my best for @CntryBoy777: My 1/8 teaspoon is half full, the fencing I put up to keep Merlin in should keep the coyotes away from the alpacas.

This is not good for PQV either. If it happens we have someone here that PQV feels would be a good match for him, I am willing to do some transport. Maybe a "doggie express" if there are intermediates on the route willing to drive some miles AND those that know about such things don't think it would be too hard on him to have several people moving him along.

He is a very good dog. I was out with him last night. Seems we have a coyote pack NE, he and dogs that direction were sounding off as the pack was howling. Later he and the dogs SW were on. Later still he and the dogs south were on. That pack was loud, I seriously doubt they were more than 300 yards away in the woods past the south neighbor's property. He hears what I do not, smells what I do not and can go from "dead on the ground" to "rocket" in 1/4 second.

He doesn't have a long fence line on a road people walk on much this time of year but I've never seen him bark at someone on the road or on the neighbor to the South's driveway that parallels it. Their house is set back 650' from the main road and he will go to the fence and watch, follow along the fence line but not go nuts barking at them to stay away like some dogs do. He seems to know they aren't planning to come his way. He doesn't even look when the neighbor to the South's dog is barking as it often does during the day; yada yada yada, unimportant. He and the alpacas get along fine and I'm sure the whole chicken thing would have worked itself out. He is very people friendly.

For @CntryBoy777 who's wife has decided a GP is something they might get:
  1. Fence! @Mike CHS will attest to this ;)
  2. They bark. Loudly. For as long as they perceive a threat. They are warning that threat to not even think about coming near. They don't wait until it is a yard from the fence then warn. Merlin didn't see any coyotes last night but he was making sure they knew where he was. Unlike a lot of 'pet' dogs, I don't think I've ever seen/heard Merlin barking to hear himself bark.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
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North Carolina
Any grown dog being placed in a new environment should always be placed with a trial period.
It doesn't do anyone any good if things are not working out.

Merlin is bored and this is also why pairs are best. Singles can be placed but they need to be evaluated for the purpose of being a single and the temperament.
Always best to have a dog in the right place, even when it hurts.


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
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mountains of WV
Wow, Bruce! I just found your journal, didn't know it was here. I'm sorry you have to send Merlin back....he seemed so good for you, seemed like you had found a bud. He's a great dog! :hugs


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
I do grieve with ya my Friend!! :( I know it has been a challenge for ya, and he was becoming a great companion for ya and the animals, tho the chickens hadn't come around to that way of thinking yet. However, there are still others to consider as difficult as it is and the inner turmoil does effect all those involved. The sacrifice of your new companion certainly isn't worth your unity of many years. It is worth allowing him to find his right niche than to create a real life disaster to not only deal with, but to live with too. Your internal desire to go to the nth degree for your animals is certainly admirable, but can never stand in the way of those vows spoken many yrs ago. So, it is a very sad situation, but it seems you truly have no choice and the decision to return him is the best solution, unless NH sees a way to meet ya, or another up that way. I would take him, but there is too much work to do before I can seriously consider it at this point. Though it is tough I support ya with your decision, and will miss the updates of Merlin & Bruce's Adventures. Even though ya feel your heart being split in half....just remember that lovely Bride ya made vows to and ya have to Support her.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Truly sorry Bruce. Trust me when I say I know exactly what you're feeling. It hurts. Hopefully PQVT will find a suitable replacement, placement for him. I gotta say, you have a heart of gold. You do without a lot that you'd like for the sake of others. I hope they at least partially realize this. One of my past screen names was altruistic1...

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