Herd Master
Awww! New chicks!
2 Black Australorps (these girls will be raised by one of the BAs from 2015)What kind did you get this time?
I thought I saw Black Australorp, but then, all black chicks look similar, huh? And I thought I saw a Sapphire Splash, until I noticed she had a beard. Splash Ameraucanas are beautiful. It will be interesting to see how she turns out. Wyandottes are always nice, too.2 Black Australorps (these girls will be raised by one of the BAs from 2015)
1 Gold Laced Wyandotte
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte
2 Blue Ameraucana. The really light bird is one of them so she is likely a splash. Not sure if the other is a blue or a black. Weird chicken genetics with Blues.
I'm guessing splash and a black by the looks. I love blue genetics, its the same for ducks blue, black and splash.2 Black Australorps (these girls will be raised by one of the BAs from 2015)
1 Gold Laced Wyandotte
1 Silver Laced Wyandotte
2 Blue Ameraucana. The really light bird is one of them so she is likely a splash. Not sure if the other is a blue or a black. Weird chicken genetics with Blues.
I would tell them you want a refund for the two because you dont believe they are purebred. Then go order from Murray McMurray....Ameraucanas for $4.35 or less. Unless you specifically wanted the BBS then I would go with cackle hatchery....$19.95 or less and they have good stock overall.I've been picking the chicks up and talking to them. Won't be happening much after they go under Nuit tonight. Prior experience says hen raised chicks are more flighty.
AND I noted that the dark Ameraucana has 5 toes per foot. I'll be talking to Meyer about that. When you pay big money for a REAL Ameraucana, it shouldn't have "breed faults".