Bruce's Journal


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I moved 5 girls after dark from the run into the coop last night. As noted, Mint was missing for most of the day yesterday, showed up in the afternoon from who knows where. Given she hasn't started laying yet (to my knowledge) AND that ELs are not supposed to be broody, I doubt she was in an outside nest somewhere.

Since Mint had gone flyabout before I opened the barn yesterday I disconnected the auto door last night so she would not be tempted this morning. Might have been a big mistake. I let everyone out of the coop around 8 AM. Trouble started chasing Zorra in the run so I chased him into the "extra" coop. Then I saw the back of Zorra's head, he'd ripped through her skin. Clearly he'd trapped and ripped at her either last night before roosting or this morning or both. She had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

This isn't a bit of exuberant breeding, he's still got it in for her for "attacking" him by landing near him when she came out of the broody buster box 2 weeks ago and they went at it. He's only gotten larger since then. Not a nice way to treat the hen who raised him! He'll be living in the "extra" coop and likely move to the farm of the "maple people" from the Farmers' Market. I caught Zorra up and put some antibiotic ointment on the wound, hoping none of the other girls will go after it.

I used 3 of Oreo's first 4 eggs (unless the last one was from Mint since it was the smallest at 30g) this morning. ALL of them were double yolk. I am not surprised by that when I open a 70g or 80g egg but a 32g, 34g and 36g?? I guess the factory is still working out the startup kinks.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I only had to move 2 girls into the coop last night. Hopefully it will soon be zero.

This morning Mint was still in the barn when I went to open up. Veronica was between the barns, thus behind the front gates. Cassie was foraging in the back yard beside the small barn :he I don't know if she can fly up to the top of the gate like Mint and Oreo do or has found a different way out.

I have noticed that Cassie (EE), Betty and Veronica (Welsummers) seem to be the "3 Musketeers", they are often together. All are more than happy to come see if I might have snacks.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Moved 1 last night, 2 tonight. Mint was in the front yard this morning, Cassie in the back where she belongs. They are taking turns breaking out??

Spent a good part of the day letting cordwood heat me more than once ;) There are always some pieces (about .5 to 1 run) that are either too long, too big or both when the wood is delivered. I never got to that pile in the barn with last year's wood so I did it today while DD1 was at class. She's not fond of noise and chainsaws are nothing if not noisy. Plus, Al (the guy I get the wood from and who mows my field) had been working on his barn roof and wall. He finished yesterday which to me, given it is mid September, means he'll be itching to get this year's wood delivered. Figured I better beat him to it this year and be ready when he calls.

I cut split the few that needed it, took the full dump cart up to the house and put the wood on the enclosed porch. That is about enough for 1 week. Then I took the splitter and the cart to the pile of cut (and uncut!) logs in front of the big barn and split another cart and a half of 16" pieces I'd cut last summer. What didn't fit in the cart is sitting on a log, the cart is by the porch waiting for me to empty it tomorrow.

When I was close to done with that DD1 came out with the phone. It was Al. Guess what he wanted? :lol: Yep, he'll be delivering on Monday and if the past is any predictor he'll be here by 8 AM latest. But this year I am ready, just need to smooth out the girls' favorite dust bath spot, get the pallets ready and spread the tarp Monday morning. It keeps the wood from digging into the grass/dirt as it is dumped and covers it while the workers (basically me) gets the 4 cords of wood into the barn over a period of days. For those that don't burn wood, a cord of dry hardwood like maple, oak, cherry weighs ~3,000 pounds or more. Since I move it 4 times (5 counting actually putting it in the stove), that means I'm getting my exercise all fall and winter! I do have some ideas on how to cut that down to 2 or maybe even only 1 move using "Bruce power" but it will require a REAL tractor with forks.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Moved 2 girls last night.

DD1 & 2 and I went to the farm of one of our ground beef suppliers at the Farmer's Market on Tuesday. They were making cider ... with a hand turned press. I have no idea how many bushels of apples they had but it was a LOT and a LOT of "put the bar in, turn 1/4, move the bar, turn 1/4" to process! We primarily went to buy 15 pounds of ground beef in 1 pound bags so they wouldn't have to cart it all to the market. They live only 11 miles from us. We came home with our purchased meat and a HOT (just pasteurized) half gallon of cider as a free bonus.

You messin with wood, reminded to ask ya how the woodchuck situation is coming along....ya get'em all?
Haven't seen any since the garden one went for a "walk". Perhaps I'll be "chuck free" next year though I imagine there will be transients that find the place eventually.

I bet your bacon is going to be soooooo good! Do you have a smoker pit? Take pics!
Um, no smoker pit, no smoker grill. Don't tell anyone but I bought some Wright's applewood liquid smoke (smoke and water only, no other ingredients) and will "smoke" it in the oven. I know this will cause pain to those who do smoke meat. I can't see buying a smoker, cheap or otherwise, to smoke 10 pounds of home (un)cured bacon when I don't even know if DW and DD2 will like it.