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- #951
Herd Master
News updates 
* because I never seem to have time to weed when they are small and easy to get rid of!!
- Got the water barrel done. I had to put a second "shorter" piece of 2" foam under the barrel so I could get a hose attached. I guess they don't expect you to place them directly on the ground.
- Got some organic garlic at the health food store and planted it yesterday. I've never tried garlic before but October is the time to plant it so what the heck, we'll try. It was planted in a lot of really well composted horse manure and stall shavings mixed into the garden 'soil'. Like no "fresher" than 6 years old. Grows REALLY tall grass in the pile. If it works we'll have 12 heads of garlic next summer/fall.
- Cleaned out the garden, except for the chard which isn't quite dead yet. Dug out all the weeds/grass yesterday that were growing there (*) but first I had to run the string trimmer over all the "non planted" areas so I could get to them more easily
I need more time in the summer!
- Put the cultivator on the trimmer today and mixed everything up, including what the woodchuck added when it tunneled under the mound the squash was on. He had to contend with a lot of rocks too. But he left them all in the ground around the cherry tomato plant instead of removing them. I had to remove them before cultivating, some were as big as softballs.
- "Spread" a dump cart load of fairly fresh 'paca poo on all the "plantable" areas and hopefully it will break down over the winter. If things go well, we might actually be ready to plant early season crops when the time is right rather than having to do all those things first (and not having time). That would be novel!
* because I never seem to have time to weed when they are small and easy to get rid of!!