True BYH Addict
Hi everyone! I hope this doesn't seem like a dumb question. I'm going to be purchasing a side of beef, I was wondering if I could get some information on how to place the order with the butcher? I do know that we want the good cuts of beef cut into 1 1/2" steaks, we like ribs, but I would probably prefer to have steak, but some ribs would be nice. I also want to order an 8 lb prime rib, for Christmas dinner. The rest roasts, steaks & hamburger. I purchased a 1/4 beef many, many years ago, but don't remember how I placed the order. I just want to go to the butcher informed, I have no idea yet of the size of the beef we are getting. I also want to have bones cut up for making bone broth. Thank you for your help!