My bees are suppose to be here Monday...yay!! Will i need to keep them shut in the hive for a few days with food or no? This is package bees. Dandelions are finally up and flowering here, tulips are up as well and a few other things so i dont know if they will have enough to forage. Some wild flowers across the road in the neighbors field are in bloom as well.
No, don't close them up. They need ventillation and the ability to go out for cleansing flights and collect water. Install them, give them feed and reduce the entrance to a smaller size.
Ok so no bees yet and im getting concerned. I misread the proof of sale, they were suppose to be shipped monday. So is it normal for bees to take 3+ days to reach you? They are coming from Georgia to Michigan.
Meanwhile the crab apple trees, and my macintosh apple trees have bloomed, goldenrod is out and my lilacs bushes will pop their blooms any time now.
Wow, that's a long haul... you'll want to get them out and in their box ASAP. There will be dead ones on the bottom. Don't panic. Get them 1:1 syrup at once.