Sally Sunshine
Loving the herd life
@artsy1 looks like she will be fine. I need to remember that with the new bator having a turner! I always forget to lockdown ughh got an update?Just bopping in for a cathartic purge/vent to those who will understand.
Thought it was Day 18, but it's Day 19...oops.
As I moved the eggs to the hatcher I thought I heard chirping. WTF?!?!
One egg was *stuck* to turner, it had pipped on wrong end, was peeping, and I can't get it off turner as egg leakage has dried gluing it in place. Had to take turner apart and try to soak it off, egg cracked further, ended up cutting it off with xacto knife. Opened enough membrane to see beak. Chick is peeping and can breathe OK, time will tell if it pulls through and makes it out alive. Blood is from torn membrane, not from stabbing chick with xacto knife, in case anyone jumps to to that conclusion. Hopefully bleed is small enough not to matter.
Not too unusual for them to hatch 'early'. This one was right next to turner motor so maybe got extra heat allowing it to develop faster.
Maybe if I had moved eggs earlier in the day, or yesterday(the real Day 18) it would have not been so dramatic. SMH<shrugs>Not a fun late(for me) evening.
ETA oh thanks for going to sleep and will update tomorrow.
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