Ridin' The Range
My horse actually eats less than one of my neighbor's Charolais, Angus, and the hybrids from the two. I credit it to him being a Mustang. I've actually seen less flies from the neighbor's cows than my other direst neighbor's over crowded horses. And the smell. Yuck. The cows will never smell that bad!Sorry Raz!I don't mean to kill you.
Cows/cattle are ok. Kinda like chickens...they eat a lot (not as much as horses, I'd say) and they crap a ton. Which brings flies.
And they need a pretty decent set up to work with them. (= expensive!) When I was a kid, I used to think I'd by a farm (at 40) and raise cattle. Omg...too old...I'm definitely too old. What was I thinking? I think sheep are a lot easier in every way.
And they can't kill you. If there were no men here...there'd be no cattle now. Just sheep and lots and lots of chickens. And guineas. And maybe a turkey or 1000.
Thank you for the well wishes! We hope he'll be ok too. (I'm doing the same thing with the quotes!)![]()

Hey!Hey Raz.

Thank you!Oh, RAZ! He's beautiful!!!

SpiderGirl, I'll race you to Raz's house. First one there gets the horse.