C&D Farming..oh what a life!


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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Well @farmerjan , I knew you were going to give me this talk...so I’m glad you did. I know I need to get tough. The man actually apologized today and said he lost his temper and offered $10 more to still buy the goat. He assured me the check should be here by tomorrow. I said sounds good. If it’s not in the mail by Tuesday...I’m making Chris call him? Maybe I can call...with my big girl pants on! :lol: You’re also right...I don’t need to explain things to people. I guess, I wanted him to know why I was asking about the check, and not being a jerk. At any rate....as for Walter, he’s being sold. I think, at this point, it’ll be easier for me to sell them young, and believe they are happy. But, that might change. Perhaps next kidding season we’ll keep one to butcher?? Wow...that would be something. Bit, Walter needs sold just so I realize that I can’t keep them all. Honestly, I would probably sell a doeling , but Chris definitely wants to keep those. She’s a bit more distant like her mom, than the rest. Maybe that will change.

Anyways, we had beautiful weather!!! It was like 54*!! The goats were out all day frolicking everywhere!! They are sooo good, getting the hang of the free range. They stick by their moms...and they stay real close...so it’s going great!! My bulldog Ruby is sooo in love with our new mini pig, Wilber. She stood by his pen and watched him alllll day. We actually had to go get her when we had to leave for dinner!! It’s a riot!! He seems to like her too! :)

we had a nice family come to choose some rabbits that will be ready in a few weeks. The boys are 4&5. Fulllll of energy. They wanted to see everything...in the house, in the attic, in my freezer, the basement, shed, etc! They carried my goats around, they carried bunnies around...etc. They are farmers too...just starting. Feeder pigs some chickens, and now these rabbits. So, we all talked for a couple of hours. Funny how when ours eyes light up when we meet other farmers!! The boys made me think of you @Baymule, and watching the grandchildren this week...how’s it going? BJ still sick?

Had our sunday dinner, the friends that host are go8ng away next week so we are going to have the rest over here. Should be fun! Here’s a couple pictures from our day. The little goat is now named Trixie...which suits her, because she is always doin* tricks!! Here she’s on the milk stand, and she always takes flying leaps off, like it’s nothing....she’s my daredevil!! Then, there’s Ruby, in love with Wilber...some goats....Grover in the fire pit??? And then...Chris is in the middle of making me a goat box!!


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
It's 100 percent your call, especially since you're already decided and you have a plan you're comfy with, but if someone yelled at me $10 would not be sufficient to convince me to talk to them or let them onto the property again. If they can not act like adults for the duration of the goat exchange, I would not want to entrust them with the animal OR to deal with them again for any amount. Would they have yelled at a man? Does it matter? Dirt bags don't get my animals-any of them. I'd rather eat them. Plus there's that issue of your safety.
Bottom line is, no deposit recieved in a timely manner=no hold on the goat and you don't have to feel guilty about selling him to someone else. As a side note, be careful of cashier's checks and anything not cash as well. Either way stay safe.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Yes, you need to sell goats, you can't keep them all. I agree with the above posts.

Raising up wethers to slaughter does put a different spin on things. There is nothing like home grown meat. Not to be tacky, but there is not a lot of demand for the male gender of sheep and goats, better to keep/slaughter them yourselves and have good meat to eat than trying to find a pet home for them. Who knows how they will be treated?

BJ is much better, thanks for asking.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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Ok you guys...you are very right!! I got the check in the mail today from the guy to buy Walter but I’ve been worried about the situation ever since the lady asked if they could still buy him. SHE and the children are very nice. They own my ducks, and, when I spoke to Larry twice, he told me how great the ducks are doing and how the6 are go8ng to let some hatch. The boy is so excited. So, I’m mostly selling them Walter for the kids. I know they want his as a breeder...they asked me many times not to band him. They are hoping he’ll get down to business soon, in fact! I spoke to the wife and she explained that Larry was embarrassEd, and has a short temper. I had to admit, I understand...Chris does too. Chris won’t ever get mad...then, wham...for something really dumb, he’ll yell for two minutes, then it’s over. We don’t fight. It’s nice that way. Just, say our complaint...and let it go. The other tries to take it into consideration. I’ll do some serious thinking tonight and talk to Chris in the car tomorrow...another road trip...about Walter. But, I hate to go back on my word.

Anyways, it’s been really nice for two days so I’ve been letting all the goats go free range for some of the day. They do amazing!! They don’t stray at all!! It’s as I hoped, the moms keep the kids near the barn...but...everyone loves it! They romp and lay in the sun...they visit the mini pigs...they are wearing themselves right out by mid morning!! :). We took out their boxes that they sleep in and the heat lamps. Also took off the door to the kidding stall. Getting ready to wean. I’m not looking forward to that...all the crying?? So, question...I’m keep the kids in the big barn, and the moms outside in the goat barn and pen. My milk stand is in the barn. Can I bring them in to milk? Just make sure the kids don’t try to nurse?? I really don’t want to make Chris drag that heavy thing outside...and get it all wet in rain. Not enough( room in the small barn.

i got to clean up the yard a bit today...just debris, dog Pooh, misc junk from the winter....that was nice. Later lippthis week I want to clean my rabbit hutches and get them ready to bring some rabbits outside soon. They were clean before winter, but then we stuck a few chickens in some of them...yuck.

i drove our really big truck today...it’s a Chevy..crew cab, long bed with cap. Forget the model...bigge4 than the Silverado. Trying to get the feel for trucks. I definitely don’t want that sucker! First of all, it gets about 12 miles per gallon on a good day...plus, it’s just too much( truck for me. We’re still lookin* hard, but, finding smaller trucks with low mileage is hard to come by. The Mercedes just isn5 practical for my life anymore. Chris thinks I should ge5 an SUV...we’ll see, maybe?

well, our bulldog, Ruby, sat by her boyfriend, Wilber’s pen for hours today until she saw her chance when I left the gate open...she was through it like a shot...no, like a bowling ball.....but, Wilber doesn’t return her affection..,and he left the pen rather quickly, with her following behind, like a puppy dog. :lol: I had to kind of slow..fast..,slow chase those two in circles aroun$ the pastures for about a half hour. Chris said he wasn’t helpin* since I left the gate, and jus5 laughed. Then he helped..thank goodness!!:)

I got 37 eggs today!! Record high! Only have 36 hens so clearly some were from yesterday? But I’m not writing that on my chart...oh, who am I kidding..of course I did!!:lol:

ok, good night everyone..thanks for reading..and, as always..your input means a ton...I always need and want advice!!:)


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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So today was an ok day...wasted the morning going to an appointment...then Ben visited, which is always great...but got nothing done!! Ugh!! We like to sit and reminisce about the things he did as a kid, and of course about his future. He has so much ambition. Plans to get his PhD after grad school. Doing his applications for internships for the summer this week of spring break. Also running 100 miles this week to prepare for his next ultra maratho..which is 100 miles. Crazy.

so, I didn’t tell you guys about giving our pigs the dewormer shots. Oh geez..,what a time we had!! We have 8 pigs..one is a feeder..he’s actually very tame and Chris hugs him and everything, so the shot wasn’t bad...he didn’t even know it was coming. The next two were our two, not-so-mini pigs....pregnant? Paris is quite the big girl. Originally Chris was to hold them down and I was to give the shots since I did all th3 research. But, I was too scared...see, no guts again...I didn’t want to risk doing it wrong. So, we caught Paris, I held her down..basically by sitting on her, and Chris poked her, sub-q, below the ear area. Next Petuna...she’s smaller but very shy. She gave us a tussle but we got her...wasn’t as easy to jab her, but got ready done. Out to poke Portly..the pot. Well, luckily, she was sound asleep...as Usual...Chris was able to get it in with no trouble at all!! If they could all be that easy!! So, out for the true mini’s. First we picked Little Jim, because he’s super tame. Grabbed him, of course there was that horrible shrill, but he got the shot and it was over. Well, it just so happens that the day we choose to do this was right when the snow had all melted and the pen was inches full of sticky mud, that slurped when you pulled your boot up. We have put several wooden platforms down, but, there’s still enough mud for a mess. We decided against the concrete!! Yeah!! Thanks everyone!! So, these three girls are supppper skittish. I mean they used to freak out when I went to feed them, since getting Little Jim they are a whole lot better, but, still don’t want touched yet. Well, we were on for the chase of our lives! One would go one direction, another the other, etc. I can’t tell you how many times we almost fell face first in that awful mud!! We gave up that day and decided to go back the next morning when the ground would be frozen...so, round two was much like the first. I had a ton of feed to use as a lure, but they did not care. We were so winded, we thought we might have double heart attacks...which proved we need to exercise!! Ugh! Finally we got one...but man, what a time we ha$ getting the shot in! Chris must’ve jabbed that poor girl three times before he broke the skin and was successful. Two more to go. They were much the same until the last. She’s the smallest one, and by fa4 the most scared. I’m not sure how he grabbed her...but luckily he held on for dear life!! We were both sooo glad when that mess was over! The next day our neighbor...who lives a street over..said he heard all the screaming...we all laughed. It’s kind of funny now, until the next round of shots!! :lol:

Tonight the goat kids are 7 1/2 weeks old so I decided to start the weaning so that Walter can be sold in a week. What a terrible night for me, for all of them. I can still hear my mommas crying.:( I walked the moms out on leashes, but they weren’t happy, crying the whole way. Then I took Sugar into the barn with the kids. The kids and Suga4 have played great for at least a week or so....never a problem. Tonight, there was some bullying. I suppose I knew it would happen, but I’d hoped it wouldn’t? Willy, who is now every bit as tall as Sugar was pushing her around. Well, then she would push the twins around...etc. I stayed there awhile to monitor and help them all to settle. Sugar was the only kid crying. I’m not sure if the others realized that their moms were gone at 5hat point. It’s goin* to be a loooong few days. I’m leaving the milk stand in the barn..bu5 I’m goin* to lock up the kids in the stall. Or even put them outside if it’s nice. I just can’t have them trying to nurse, etc...and it’s going to be hard enough on me with the moms bawlin* the whole time!!

Chris and I did talk about selling Walter to Larry. We’re not thrilled, but, a deal is a deal. I have his bank check in my wallet. I think I’m going to make it very clear to him that I’d like to visit my goat, I’d like updates, and I’d like to hear from them first, not just me having not to nag them :). The first picture is Petuna..our pregnant mini. Next is Paris...who was supp to farrow weeks ago?? How’d I miss that?:lol: The next is our egg take for just one day!! Good job girls! 32 eggs, plus four still left up on wood chips in the third garage.. Chris thinks someone might want privacy,,,,ugh so, when I see her is be broody in the nests...I was told to leave to just leave her alone? We did ge5 any ducks today. They were gone. We might go to an auction in Warren on sat...TS there...I can check there!:)



Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Lovely pictures. I'm so glad the goats are free ranging well for you. They sound happy.
You're the best judge of the Mr. Willy situation. You're there :) Sounds like the man could be a piece of work, so be careful for yourself. But if you feel comfortable with things, trust yourself.

Personally I can't milk with goat kids running around the room. They act like it's a candy bar even not weaned.