C&D Farming..oh what a life!


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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I think it probably was a typo and I meant to say garden manure....🤣. I’m horrible at the typing, and typically don’t reread my posts...sorry...oops!

So, a few days ago, found an ad for $10 chickens if you bought many. So, of course we bought 20. Tried to get as many black sex link and Rhode Island Red...think I got some NHR...were probably going to figure out , of our hens, who are the best layers...suprizingly....my 2year old comets Are really great...anyway...going to wean our the ones who aren’t the highest production layers and then sell for $13. Not much profit when you factor in Gas for the hour drive..but we’ll have better layers when we’re done, and of course...more chickens....which..in my eyes..they are my easiest animals on the farm!

ok here’s a question...I’ve got a goat, Busty, who’s doing doin* at stopping to let the kids nurse...I’ve had them separated for weeks...yesterday I let them together as a test run. She had a full bag. My other goat..Honey..her kid, born in December, will probably nurse when she’s 20! I just can’t break these two...Sugar bawls all day...which, now I’m immune to it...but...pretty sure Honey is pregnant..haven’t tested yet...I like the P-test..no needles. So....once I have to quit milking her, for the new kids...but then she has the new kids...will she finally kick Sugar off?! Oh yeah, Busty is in love with my Buck...she doesn’t her little dance in his face...I have to be so careful when I’m opening gates..because, he’s fast to move on her....

We have the new chickens in quarantine up in the one of the new semi trailers...working out pretty good. Yard still way too wet to drop them back where we want...

we’ll have pigs in one...goats in one and a half...rabbits in a half..and that half will be my milk room....last trailer will be designated just for storage....oh boy I can’t wait! The hay wagon has become our catch-all counter, work bench, you name it...😩. We’ve got so much misc work piled up...BUT, hay machines, and plows are rust proofed and painted and lined up an OCD row in the field,,,they look good, and when other farmers come, some actually drool..kind of funny.

we have a waiting list for the mini pigs dune in June! Six people!! Can’t believe how many people love and want these guys! The buyers send me pictures all the time...the one sleeps with the teen daighter, and got to go to TS! Can you imagine?🤣🤣🐷 Were really happy that these little guys are sooo loved. And our gamble is working so far. The ones due in June..they were tiny to begin..the biggest weighed only 30 lbs...they now have nice round bellies...so cute. They look like big beer drinkers!🤣❤️ The new pig we got is fitting in well with the boars, and we’re pretty sure she has to be getting pregnant with all the...’action’ she’s been seeing...🤣. Poor thing.

ok, see you all later..thanks for reading!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Tried to get as many black sex link and Rhode Island Red...think I got some NHR...were probably going to figure out , of our hens, who are the best layers...suprizingly....my 2year old comets Are really great
My understanding is that the sex links lay GREAT for a couple of years then wear out. It will be interesting to see if your now 2 Y/O Comets are still laying well next year. Could be what I've heard is less than accurate, I have no personal knowledge but it is the reason I've never done sexlinks even though they are guaranteed female rather than "90% sexing accuracy"


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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Yeah, the comets will definitely be phasing out, but no one will eve4 want to buy them, they feathe4 pick, just each other...it’s really weird! That 11 look terrible! The other, 54..not the new 20, look perfect..except for some rooster marks..🤣, but those girls have bald necks, etc. they did it to our old roo too. I have no clue why they don’t do it to the newer hens? Today we only got FOUR eggs out of the new 20! Chris was mad! I said jus5 wait the normal 11 days for the stress to wear off, then we’ll see....?? Worst case....we sell them...for $15..The going rate...make a few bucks, and call it a day. Best case...we figure out a bunch of new good layers, with some food coloring....then sell just a few..? 🤣.

im really mad at the goats! Never thought I’d say that! I love to let them free range. But they keep getting into trouble! Now they found the chicken feed...so, that’s an issue...Trixie can jump up on top the one roof part, when I stick the feed up there. So...then, I don’t feed the chickens....now they found the rabbit pellets under the hutches! These darned goats! I live to see them romp and play..but they are getting into trouble! I lock them up and they bawl. They look at me with sad eyes. It’s plenty big enough...that’s not an issue..they just like the freedom..who wouldn’t? Today when I let them out I went to let out our piggy ?Portly. She was tired and didnt feel like taking a stroll. When I let her roam..I keep an eye on her, because she’s another who goes for the chicken coop. Which is funny because it’s wayyyy on the other side of the farm..takes the poor girl half a day!🤣. But, I thought I closed her door, but guess I didn’t. Our tenant called to say..pig is out...not unusual....but when it’s Portly, it’s no big deal...she just needs walked back out, you don’t need to use feed, or anything...she complains, but it just makes it better...she’s a riot. Best part is..when this pig is wound up..she will actually back up..and take a run at me...and try to jump up on me to play..she’s a hoot. We have a great time. She’s kinda old, has arthritis, wrinkles....do I mean me? Or my piggie?🤣🐷


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
Sounds like your goats are being Goats....they are very "opportunistic" and Curious critters.....they can smell grain and just like a 2-3yr old child that sees candy....they'll find a way....when ya back is turned.... 🤣 .....if ya look closely in the middle of the pic...our old doe is in the duck pen eating Layena pellets....she was the only one that could fit thru the duck hole....:gig....I would tell Joyce that the big black duck showed up again....:lol:....
...the 2nd one shows her coming out.....so, just wanted ya to know ya wasn't the only one to "experience" such shenanigans from their goats.....:thumbsup


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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So.....knowing they google up everyone else’s feed...shouldn’t I be worried about them dying? I’m in a panic when I see them nibble on the rabbit pellets...that doesn’t worry me assss much, but when I see them go for chickens feed, it’s a race against the clock! Those buggers always win! Last night...they found a way to jump on top of my rabbit hutches!! The roofs are made of tin....nice tin!! Some have plywood underneath, some don’t, just 2x4... I grabbed Honey and kind of tossed her down, but of course she thought I was playing. So, I lost that round, imagine that?🤣. I also have to rotate them..we only have one pasture that is fenced and large enough for enough of them. But sometimes it’s muddy. So I put them in my buck’s pen...my ‘hussy’ Busty...I’m sure is going to get pregnant one of these days. We don’t have double fencing yet...not with everything else going on...no time to even sleep! She struts for him....she has a huge crush. I try to keep him back from her, when I do the goat shuffle...does farming ever get dull? Doubt it! Oh, the chickens are pretty dull and easy....by far, they are easiest livestock we have had so far.❤️🐓


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
The cheap laying hens you bought could be spent hens from a commercial egg barn. I see them on Craigslist often. @Bruce is right about sex links. They lay like crazy for two years, after their second molt they lay half of what they used to, but still eat as much. If egg production is what you want, get sex links, just know that you have to replace them every 2 years.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
I don't want to "humor" past the "cautions"....some feed have additives that can be harmful to goats and the % of protein can cause issues for them....baking soda on hand can be a fairly quick remedy for bloat....that being said, it is highly unlikely that ya have to be on "pins and needles" so much....a goat will eat theirself to death, but it is rare and takes an imbalance of their system to do so....as long as they have hay and grass to dilute it with they should be fine....if they eat a whole bunch of it, then don't give them any grain for a few days and watch them....if the rabbit pellets are alfalfa, then ya shouldn't be too concerned unless there are additives in it. A goat will be a goat and is always looking for Adventures and Mischief to keep ya on your toes...... ;) ....it is their "daily challenge" to figure out new "ways" to keep ya "busy"....while they watch!!....:lol: