C&D Farming..oh what a life!


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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Got the oxytocin for the min8mpigs..because they were 26,27 and 29 lbs before getting pregnant. The red one..Redder...🤣. She did great...actually was early. But the others, well, the6 were right on the money, but I was a nervous wreck...imagine that? The tiniest pig came one day early..and she had 4...2 pink with spots, 2 black...just one male! Then two days later the last pig had 4 more...just one spotted one..that was the only male. Sooooo...allll the piglets obviously come from our one boar, Little Jim......we are very disappointed in Wilber. 🤣❤️🐷. He’s a gorgeous agouti....we’ve seen him...ahh hemmm...you know....but, clearly Little ?Jim is the bigger man for our needs!🤣🤣🤣. We did get another boar this weekend..had him delivered...we never leave..everything gets delivered..it’s ridiculous. He’s pink and spotted...these pink spotted pigs fly out the doors!! But the black ones...well, if the6 have some color..like our last litter a few months ago...they sold in a day. This time....this litter, took me 10 days, and I had to kind of work at it..,ugh....so, now I have just 4 black females left to sell. But here’s the issue...Chris keeps sticking the girls with the boars...now we’re going to have piglets born at the wrong t8me of year...I told him we’re going to burn out our market. I wanted to wait and have piggies born right in time to home for Christmas. Oh well...hopefully....we can rebreed these 3...for that time?? Or at least jus5 one of them....with the new boar?!❤️❤️🐷🐷🐷. And believe it or not, we still have a waiting list of 7 people!! For pink spotted..mostly female pigs...🤣❤️🐷. The last picture...in the middle, is the new boar...he’s not as small as our boar..Little Jim...but, if he throws spots...that’s our man!!🤣❤️🐷🙏


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Don't know about the "mini-pigs" but with the normal size hogs, most all of mine didn't care. I tried to keep the sows separate for the first week or so. It prevented 2 from laying too close together, and little piglets from getting between and smothering without the sows realizing it. Once the pigs were pretty mobile and agile, and it takes 1-2 weeks to where they are scooting around quickly, when one sow would lay down to nurse, and they made those little grunting noises, there would be pigs coming from every where. It seemed to be that the sows would all kinda get on the same schedule and if one laid down to nurse, they all would.
I also liked them to farrow separately, to know which pigs were from whom, and was able to determine if there were any problems (had one that had a couple without butt holes and I quit breeding from her when I realized it was her and not the boar hog), and numbers were important to me also because I wanted hogs that would produce big litters and raise them. Also, disposition was important. I did not farrow in crates, so they had to have a positive attitude.... I didn't mind being protective and a little wary with new pigs.... but not one that wanted to come after me. Didn't keep replacements from any that had any issues.
It seems like these small breeds aren't near as aggressive, but they don't have very many pigs either. Then again, since they are 30 lbs, they sure aren't eating what a 150 + lb sow is eating. But there's not alot of meat on a 30 lb pig to eat. I don't think I read anywhere what they actually finish out at. And they do take longer to grow and finish from what I have read here. Pros and cons to all sizes.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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I haven't caught up on all the post given but you need to post a sign at the road saying no trespassing and maybe post animal/all sales are by appointment only. And if you want to advertise for animals then post business hours and a phone number and put a gate at your entrerance to property that is locked or has a code and only open it when your expecting people. What happens when your not home people just drive up and look around the place maybe leave a gate open no way. Girl your health and your family safety first and your animals second and forget the about hurting or upsetting others. Y'all worked so hard to get yourself healthy and your throwing that to the wind just for a few sales. Also if your having health issues you might need to look at down sizing some just to help you get to where you health can be maintain and your animals well being as well.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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@farmerjan ...we farrowed them together from advice from , the farm we bought our first sisters from, and my pig gurus. @the V’s... they’ve been doing mini pigs for,.a few decades...

sisters help each other out...it’s really neat to see. The piglets are confu..they all think they are siblings...not cousins!🤣.

as far as the size of a mini pig..technically, any pig under 150# is considered a mini pig. However..not by people who are buying a “mini pig”...so, we looked long are hard. Yes, we have two tha5 are large...but the6 are 6 and have been bred 6 times. But, these three....the6 are 2 years old and very small. We are hoping, those genes will be carried on throug( to the offspring. I keep telling Chris we need to keep some of these beautiful piglets...he doesn’t want to..he thinks m8ni pugs are a fad.

But, I’m very pleased with our new boar. Amber, from @the V’s...said he’s a great looker..a great Specimen !! Great composition!! Music to my ears!

I hear what everyone is saying about our safety, the animals..and abou5 working less. We are takin* steps...no5 sure which kind yet..other than..it’s clear posted on the page..our hours, etc.

Chris doesn’t want a sign on the road..,he thinks that will Attract more people. So, if I hav3 an hours sign...the6 will know w3 are ‘open’.... but, I did hav3 a friend delive fancy Rabbits...she said I should have people mee5 me for rabbits...she said it’s too easy for people to steal a rabbit kit, etc... I suppose this is me being nieve again?

ok, night going to tr6 to ge5 to bed early..so 8 can be up by 5... nigh5vall..thanks for reading...miss you all!!❤️


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
As I said, the mini's are different than the standard larger sized hogs. And you do what you have been mentored to do. I was just saying how I raised mine. I tried to have at least 2 but often 3 or 4 to farrow all around the same time so that I could foster extra pigs onto a sow if one had more than she had "faucets". Most of mine would have 10-12 but had one that consisitently had 14 or 15 and she only had 12 teats. So it was good to have more than one with pigs so that they all would get a place to nurse. But I preferred to have them separate for the first week or 2. Then again, I was watching over alot more piglets on each sow.

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