Calendula's Journal -- Nubian Pictures


Loving the herd life
Sep 21, 2014
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So I feel like every time I say "I'll be active more, life has finally slowed down!", it takes off AGAIN and I'm stuck trying to patch everything together.
I'm going to update this mostly for my benefit so in the future, I can look back and be proud of what I've accomplished. I already am. ;)

I still haven't sent in my registration for the ADGA, or the registration for my goats. :hide I'm going to email them about that today.
I did register for the ARBA... but not with our rabbitry name and we haven't gotten the rabbits registered.

But I figured I would do a quick update and try to be more active. :lol:

There are so many goats. :eek: And by that, I mean eleven. The Nubian doelings are doing good and growing fast and it's crazy. They still get beat up by the Nigerians, despite now being bigger than them! And if we're in the barn at all, they'll refuse to eat hay because all they want is love. :idunnoWe let them out to eat grain daily while we go about our other chores, and they're just so cute because when they're done or if we go out of sight, they'll still run after us and yell. :lol: We like to think they're yelling "Mom! Dad! Come back!" They'll follow us all over the yard if we let them. And they're actually great with my baby brother.
Oh! And of course, we have our two bucklings. They are getting big and so fluffy. The one has horns, but he doesn't seem to know that he has horns. Once they're done growing, I'll probably duct tape tennis balls to them. The horned one, Easter, is two weeks or a month younger than the other, Teddy, and he's already acting bucky. Teddy smells very faintly like a buck, but he doesn't want to act like a buck at all. :idunno
I can't wait for breeding season to come. We're going to be breeding four does in December for May babies. I'm going to try to set it up so that two does kid one week, and then the other two kid a week or two after them... Although I doubt it'll work out that way. :lol:

And we have rabbits EVERYWHERE! We got our Rex pair for meat and set up a colony style. I really loved it, except that I decided I wasn't willing to wait until Mr. Roger (the buck) possibly got it through his thick skull that our dear Jessica did NOT want to or need to be a mother back to back. :barnie I've read some bucks that got it but him... not at all. And it's sad because he was such a great father. :hit He'd sit with her while she was in labor and help out with the kits.
So now, it's just Jessica and her kits. The male growouts are in their own pen but since it's all peace and harmony, the girls stay with Jessica. Our first litter ended up being a disaster and we ended up with only three kits from that litter, so we've decided to keep them all. :hide They love us, I can't kill something that follows me like a dog!
So the two male kits are now living with their dad. They love to just chill in this giant pile of rabbit.
P.S. Please no negative comments about the colony. ;) I know the risks, and I respect people that do it the old fashioned way in cages, so please respect my choice, too.

And then Bandit, my dear dog, deserves his own little update! We've gotten back into training him in Rally and I think he'll soon start competing. :celebrate He was doing really bad for the last few weeks, and because of my college schedule, we had to switch to a different trainer. This trainer told me to try the course off leash and he did perfect! So I'm feeling pretty confident. :)

Oh! And then me. :cool: I managed to quit my job working at the chocolate factory and get an accounting internship! I love having my weekends back and I'm learning so much. I'm excited for tax season, but also nervous since I'll be taking two-three classes to finish up my Associate's during that time.
And then as soon as tax season is done, we'll have baby goats, baby rabbits, chicks... :th
I'm also looking for an apartment that will take me and my dog, and my boyfriend so we can learn to live on our own. There is one college town that is less than fifteen minutes from my work, his work, the farm, and school, but none of their rentals accept dogs. :( Or at least not 75 pound dogs.

Anyway, it's nice to be back! I'm going to go comment on a few other posts. :)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
You are at a very busy part of "Life", and there are many changes just ahead too.....getting started at venturing out your own and making your way can be stressful, exciting, and Busy. Just stay focused on the direction and goals, it is the distractions that can be difficult, if ya give them more attention than they'll do just fine, just stay focused....:)


Loving the herd life
Sep 21, 2014
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Thank you! There's so much I want to do, but so little time in the day... and so few weekends and days off! Haha. I can't wait until college is done and I have my degree. I feel like I'll have so much more time on my hands, but that's years away. :th And then I'll have to take my CPA exam...
It never stops.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Nothing like working and going to college at the same time to suck up whatever free time you might otherwise have had! As @CntryBoy777 said, just keep focusing on the end goal when things get rough. And look back at the milestones you passed to remind you that there IS an end!


Loving the herd life
Sep 21, 2014
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And then with the farm on top of that... :thBoyfriend and I are going camping this upcoming weekend with some friends. We won't be gone even twenty-four hours, so I won't even get a chore break from the animals, but maybe it will still be relaxing? :lol: That was all we could fit in around everything else!
Those milestones seem forever away, but a bookkeeping business...:fl I just have to stay strong.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
Well at your age most dreams, desires, and wants seem a "Forever" away, but ya still get there one step at a time. The only way to "Hit a Target" is to stay focused and keep shooting. Also, if ya just glimpse backwards it will seem that high school was a "Forever" away too....but look at just how far ya have come since then.....:)


Loving the herd life
Sep 21, 2014
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Quick update that I'm kind of just writing to help myself stop shaking, and to make it feel more real!

I'm quitting my "internship"!
Today was the last straw. She told me to do something manually that I have never done before and have no idea HOW to do (hence why I'm an INTERN), so she told me to "figure it out" and told me "this is what is wrong with your generation" when I couldn't figure it out.
She also started threatening me when she said that I would have to skip class to stay and finish something that isn't due for a week. A. Week. I was obviously upset by this (I have ONE class a week!), and she said "Wow. You really don't care, do you?" My response to this was "I do care, but I also care about school and that's my priority right now."
Throughout the day, she also threatened to stop paying me and report me to my college, which I didn't understand because my college doesn't care...? :lol: I'm going to report her first and tell my professor, who just so happens to also be a lawyer and has a lot of weight in this college, about her behavior.
I will call her tomorrow, tell her that I quit, and ask her how she wants to send me my last check and get her key back. ;)

Part of my reason behind quitting is because if she cannot respect the SINGLE class I have a week when we are NOT that busy, how is she going to respect my three classes next semester when she's already told me that she's dumping ALL of the taxes on me?
"Internship" means that I am LEARNING not that I know HOW to do everything! And if I ask for help or ask what you want me to do next because I have no work, I would like ANSWERS not "Don't bother me." :barnie

Anyway, I will be returning to my old job at the chocolate factory... probably. And try and get into H&R Block for spring. They work with my college for internships and class credit, and will only work me a few hours a week. ;) Plus, the drive is ten minutes as opposed to thirty.
I will also be taking the next week or so to gather myself and catch up on some farm/house things and to take a break from all of this nonsense. And probably to go to the college's center that can help me get a work study for a non-profit or for the school! :weee
To-Do List, here I come!


Loving the herd life
Sep 21, 2014
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Thank you, @CntryBoy777!
Being new to the business world, I called my mother crying after I left work and told her what had happened. I wasn't sure if it was normal and she told me that threatening not to pay me isn't just not right, but it's also illegal.

It's her loss indeed! The work I was doing was learned from the previous intern (her FIRST intern, might I add, who was thrilled to leave) and she actually has no idea how to do it and there are no other employees except myself and her.