Loving the herd life
OK so let me start right at the beginning regarding this calf... the owner was not aware his cow had calved as his cows roam all over the roads and beaches here and the cow calved on the banks of one of our lagoons. She abandoned the calf. When the calf was found by the owner she was in shock and hypothermic. I have no idea if the calf had colostum. He took the calf home and put it in his garage with no heat lamp no meds nothing and because the animal could not stand up he put her in a sling while he was at work for 8 hours at a time so she was only fed when and if he remembered or had the time. He was also feeding her store bought milk... some do gooders with absolutely no experience with livestock came across this little girl on one of our coldest days about 3 weeks ago lying in her own urine and feces and once again frozen and hypothermic. They took over the care of this animal for the owner buying all the milk, feeding etc... once again no antibiotics vitamins or otherwise was given. I heard about the calf and phoned one of the ladies and offered to help with meds etc but they said all was fine they were sorted. Then last week Thursday they were deciding whether to euthanaise the animal as she was still not standing on her own and I offered for them to bring her to my farm where we could put her in the shed where it's warm and my vet was coming the next day and let a vet check her over and make an educated decision on her. So the vet came was appalled that no antibiotics were given no anti inflamatories no vitamins nothing and the fact that no vet had seen this animal in the 5 weeks of its life considering its condition. Anyway I have now been left with this animal and have given it all the meds recommended by the vet as he says she deserves a chance my problem with her is this:
She cannot stand up on her own, she cannot lie curled up like most calves she lies flat. When I do manage to get her up her muscles are super stiff and she battles to walk. If she tries to run she just falls over. I have to push her to get her to walk. Every morning her body and legs are warm to the knees but from the knees down she is ice cold... she has had a hard start to life but if I can help her I will but I do not want her to suffer any more than necessary.
She cannot stand up on her own, she cannot lie curled up like most calves she lies flat. When I do manage to get her up her muscles are super stiff and she battles to walk. If she tries to run she just falls over. I have to push her to get her to walk. Every morning her body and legs are warm to the knees but from the knees down she is ice cold... she has had a hard start to life but if I can help her I will but I do not want her to suffer any more than necessary.