This will be a quick update as I fell ill last week and ended up in the hospital. Home now and recuperating. Still very tired.
Great to be back home with family! Today I sat in a chair in the field with goats, dogs, and pups. Just what I needed... it just doesn't get any better than that.
After 3 days of being gone my pups had lost their manners!
I reminded them quickly... where are your manners? 3 sat immediately. the rest remembered theirs soon after. Good pups!
I swear they grew and grew up while I was gone! So did the goat kids!
"Spot" is the lead guardian pup. He goes to whichever field he believes he needs to be in. Stands and watches, tail high and tight!
He is a sight to behold at such a young age! He is dominant, stand alone, highly confident, and just extremely intuitive. He growls and barks at night when something is out there. We now announce ourselves to the pups because they will come running and barking when they hear anyone out and approaching. Tonight it was POURING BUCKETS so they were all in their shelter but they still heard my DD open the gate... just like that woof woof woof and they were right there... she told them it was ok it was mommy.... they immediately calmed and got all happy!
Here are a few pics my little DD took while I was gone. Most are of Bernard- she is working with Bernard. My littlest DD can train anything... and I mean anything. She is very gifted. So this is her dog to work with. Notice no lead.... Bernard On the side stoop..
Checking out the goat getting clipped
Out of the field and hanging out in the yard. He will follow her and listens very well. (LOL so not lgd like)
pups in a pack!
Check out Silvers posturing and that look on his face! & MUD!
Playing with the BIG BOYS now! I'm not sure Badger even noticed
This is Spot... there are no dogs out front so Spot believes it is his duty to get out there.... and he does!
Pups lined up- Notice Chunk (aka Wilson) is trying to be one of the pups! See his butt up in the air!
Sorry no pics of the girls this time. Hopefully this week... lots of rain as of late and I think more coming... but they are doing great and are 25 and 27lbs now! That have really grown! that is 7 lbs gain! Gotta weigh the boys... they are big lugs!
Oh no! Hope you're okay! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!
Cute pictures of the pups! Aww, good job puppies! Our lgd's will bark at us sometimes too, but usually if they know it's us then they don't! Like we'll be coming out of the woods and they'll hear us and start barking, but once they know it's us they'll stop.
How're all the goaties doing? Do you have any more that are still due, or have they all kidded?
praying your illness is just a passing thing. take care of yourself and don't try to do to much. that's why God gave you children, lol. pups are growing like weeds and so beautiful. i still don't have Katie a helper and don't know what or when i'll do something about that. all at proper time, I'm just trying to be patient. but... if you happen to be on your way thru Arkansas on your way to Texas you could accidently drop not leo off. don't know why but he is the one i really like. you take care kiddo!
Thanks all ... I may start a journal ... just so I can rant about the new 10 year old they made a Dr.
anyway.... sooooooooooooooo I am gone for several days and my well behaved puppies are being handled by my eldest DD. And although I appreciate her help on the farm (she doesn't do farm) she is RUINING my pups!
She promotes jumping up and bad behaviors as she thinks they are cute.
So they are off limits to her now. I don't care if I am on my sickbed... NOBODY messes around with my pups and my work!
Love my DD butttttttttttttttttttt those are my pups!
On a good note... my blood pressure is low 89/43 (that's not the good part).... sooooo I get my very own carton of SALTED cashew Caramel Ice Cream. (That's the good part!)
Pouring down rain here again... pups love the rain!