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- #11
Chillin' with the herd
I really love the idea of a living fence. I spent a lot of time looking into them last year. http://www.motherearthnews.com/homesteading-and-livestock/living-fences-zmaz10onzraw.aspx was one of the most detailed articles I found. The osage orange {aka hedge apple, horse apple....} grows very dense, and has thorns so even if the goats eat on it they will only want to stick their faces so far into it. I was going to start one this past spring, but I was pregnant and morning sickness kept me on the couch for months, so it's now kind of a bucket list thing for me now.
That is a good article. My problem with Osage and any other thorned plant as a fence option is the concerns mentioned by Southernbychoice. Not to mention, trying to weave something with thorns is, well.... a pain.