Loving the herd life
I have a 2 month old ND buckling. He is getting is water, grass hay, alfalfa pellets, mana pro minerals, baking soda, one 20 oz bottle of goat/cow milk (1/2 and 1/2). I gave him a 5 day dose of 2.5 cc 5% Albon. It was left over from what the vet gave me for an upper resipratory from my cat. Not knowing if that would be effective since it was only 5% I got my Di-methox from Jeffers today and started giving him that in case it was cocci. He has had just a little bit of grain but I stopped giving him that thinking that may be what was causing his scouring. Also, I had been given him goat electrolites to keep him hydrated and 6cc of kaolin 2-3x a day. It is pudding consistancy and color. He eats well and is very entergetic. What do you think?