Yes, lots of movement and chirps. I'm very impatient but I know better than to try and help. I've already read up on that quite a bit. Thank you for the advice though! I can't wait to see this little chick. I'm so excited!Sounds like it's making progress that is exciting. Just remember they take a long time to hatch so don't get impatient and think you need to help.
Something went wrong... She didn't make it and I'm completely devastated.
My heart is broken. She made another pip hole and I thought she was going to hatch out finally but I waited amd waited amd she just kept moving and chirping and I woke up this morning and there was nothing..It's so hard to lose them after all that.
I just wanted to thank you all for your help and support. She looked like a perfect little healthy chick I just don't know why she didn't hatch. We are thinking about making a new and improved incubator and giving it another go. This was not a planned incubation as I explained before our hen stopped sitting on the eggs so the "incubator" definitely could have been better. My 2 (almost 3) year old was so excited for it to hatch. He called it his baby egg and he was always telling it he loved it. It's so so so sad. I just can't help but blame myself for whatever went wrong. Again thank you all.