Can coyotes jump a 4 ft fence?


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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We had a yote cross the road in front of the house today, heading towards our pasture.......and my goats.

Fortunately, it didnt like the welded wire fence around the goats, and chose to go thru the hotwire into the cow pasture.

It made it thru the fence (after getting zapped a couple times) and got in there with the calves.......and their mother's.

Momma cows do not like coyotes. It left limping and in a pretty quick hurry!

It is lucky I was out there without a gun.


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 13, 2011
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Ashville, Al
fortheloveofgoats said:
My parents are having the same problem with their cows. They just had some babies, so the coyotes are hanging out even more. The coyotes are getting a lot more adventurous, and getting closer. Their neighbor had a dog that chased them off, but it turned out it was a coyote luring it to the pack, and the pack killed the dog. My parent's didn't like having to kill them, since they look so much like a dog, and they know that coyotes are good in the fact that they keep the rats, rabbits, and ground squirrels down (which is what they have been having problems with as well) but when they are threatening the babies, they have no other choice. They started shooting at them, just to scare them away, that worked at first, but they are coming back. So the next one they see, will be the one that they have to shoot.
I just had this happen to my 3 year old Pyrenees sweetest dog. So now I am on the rampage kill all coyotes all are bad and this year has been the worse they are coming out in the day time and don't seem to be afraid to see us just sit there and look.


Exploring the pasture
Apr 17, 2012
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Our property backs up to county-owned open space and we frequently see coyotes and fox out there. I've got a six foot welded wire fence around our acre and a mutt of a dog that likes to chase things. We've never had a coyote jump the fence to get the chickens, but I'm about to add a goat and a pot-bellied pig to the family. They'll be contained on two sides with the 6' fence and two interior sides with a 4' no climb fence.

I've toyed with the idea of leaving the chicken pop door open at night to allow them into their protected run in the morning. Maybe I'll wait on that one...

We have LOADS of bunnies around and the old-time chicken farmers in the neighborhood say it's the hawks I need to worry about. They also say that the coyotes around here don't bother trying to jump over a fence with a goat in their mouth. I don't know...


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
HappyMamaAcre said:
Our property backs up to county-owned open space and we frequently see coyotes and fox out there. I've got a six foot welded wire fence around our acre and a mutt of a dog that likes to chase things. We've never had a coyote jump the fence to get the chickens, but I'm about to add a goat and a pot-bellied pig to the family. They'll be contained on two sides with the 6' fence and two interior sides with a 4' no climb fence.

I've toyed with the idea of leaving the chicken pop door open at night to allow them into their protected run in the morning. Maybe I'll wait on that one...

We have LOADS of bunnies around and the old-time chicken farmers in the neighborhood say it's the hawks I need to worry about. They also say that the coyotes around here don't bother trying to jump over a fence with a goat in their mouth. I don't know...
If they are hungry enough they certainly will go for the easy prey that will be your pig and goat. If you can I would add a top line of electric fence.


Lost in the flock
May 23, 2011
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We are surrounded by coyotes. There is BLM land to the south of us, and of course they all hang about the river that borders us to the south as well. Their is also a pack to the north of us. Luckily there is easier pickings then our sheep, and most of them don't seem to be to eager to meet the source of the barking on our property. The few that have run verrrrrry fast. Oddly enough two St. Bernards aren't that great of a welcoming party.

I'm amazed that some of you have coydogs. That is more of a myth in my area.


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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Coydogs are definately not a myth around here, lol. A few years ago, one of the neighbors walked out to find his lab "locked up" (breeding) a coyote female. The coyote had DUG into his kennel to bred to him. She died.

This is gonna gross some of you out. Sorry bout that. :/

We were having some issues with coyotes and coydogs coming onto our property. One day, I saw one "marking" our fence line. I thought "Oh, NO you didnt just do that!" lol.

Soooo, here is the gross part...........I have my boys and husband "mark" the fence line now. The fence at the road is a little harder to mark, so they pee in a bottle and pour it on.

Anyway, apparently man pee is really disgusting stuff to the wild critters.........NOTHING is coming in anymore. NOTHING, not even raccoons.

Hey, it works, AND it's free.


Ridin' The Range
Oct 12, 2011
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I've heard mixed reviews on the man-pee thing... some folks get good results, others, not so much. one friend said he carefully marked his fence and then spent a couple of nights out well into dark just to see what he could see... what he saw was the coyote marking right on top of it! not slowing his coyotes down at all.
i dunno, maybe he needs to eat more garlic...

in the high desert, we had coyotes dig under 3' skirts of chicken wire, chew through chicken wire, dig under hot wire, climb chain link...

had an attack on our 2000 lb draft horses last year - one had more than a dozen bites, two others had half a dozen bites each. what posesses coyotes to think they can take down a draft horse is beyond me. we were afraid they might have been rabid because it's just not typical. horses healed up fine, vet suggested it might have been coydogs, instincts aren't quite right on some of them. didn't think the bites and tracks were right for dogs... size and look of the bites and tracks looked like coyotes.

we've had coyotes kill lambs inside a containment area and eat them in there before climbing back out... a guard dog inside the containment area would have helped. right now we're surrounded by coyotes - 3 big packs, and we hear them within a quarter mile, or in the neighbor's yards, every single night. I've got a young pyranese out with the goats and sheep, put them all out together about a month ago, we've had no issues with Lucy out there. she's settling nicely into her job, still needs to mature, but seems to get the program. she's quick to get up and bark back at the coyotes when they sound too close.

re: goats and going over fences... last year one of my friends in the high desert had a nice yearling lamancha buck go missing out of a 6'6" fenced area. just gone without a trace. we couldn't figure it out - not the one out of the herd you'd steal, and no trace of how it got out. gates all closed and secured. about 3 weeks later it showed up - thin, and with clear cat-bite marks, half way healed. best we can figure is that a mountain lion carried that 140 lb goat out over the fence without leaving any blood, any tracks, any hair on the fence. and then somehow didn't quite finish the job. carted the goat far enough off that it took it weeks to find it's way home, but didn't manage to kill it.

quite scary that *any* thing could jump a 6'6" fence carying a 140lb goat in it's mouth...


Lost in the flock
May 23, 2011
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I've come to the conclusion my coyotes are wimps. I'm fine with this. You all can keep your crazy chupacabre coyotes. I am how ever waiting for the wolves to start migrating .Its common knowledge there are wolves 30 miles from us over the foothills. They have running prey our way that generally isn't here. There was a bull moose walking around last summer which was FAR normal.
As for the Man marking. There war only 4 creatures here that are manly enough to do that. 2 are rams, and ones a dog, and my father isn't allowed