Loving the herd life
Isn't that the primary reason deworming as needed rather than routinely is being advocated? Are you saying that the timeframe in which resistance develops means it won't be an issue for me personally or it's not likely that under-dosing would create resistance in parasites?jodief100 said:What type of organism is cocci? If it is a bacteria, almost certainly. Or is it something else? Viruses can develop resistance but not as quickly or easily. Very little is known about Prions so I couldn't tell you.n.smithurmond said:Something just occurred to me... I don't feed it as directed. Most of my goats simply don't need that much grain. Is feeding less medicated grain in this case the same thing as under-dosing a coccidiostat? Could it possibly contribute to Deccox resistant cocci if I don't maintain the levels intended?
If it is some kind of insect, worm or something else multi-cellular, than probably not. Multi-cellular organisms can develop resistance but it is much slower if at all since they cannot pass resistance between individuals like bacteria can.