Canesisters 2023 journal - turning my Disasters into Delights


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
I'm guessing is a game to them.
He hisses, spits & swats but will lay in the porch chair - nose level to Birdie - & not bat an eye when she almost pokes him. She'll run after him & he'll bolt across the yard, then 10mins later she's laying on the porch & he's on the rail 2' away. He'll follow her around the yard hissing & all arched up, but if she doesn't chase he'll get bored turn around & walk away unconcerned that she's wandering a few feet away.
It's funny to watch


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
I got a call yesterday afternoon from Dad... "Is Birdie in her playpen or did you take her to work?"
"She's SUPPOSED to be in her kennel.... Why?"
"I haven't heard a single bark all day"
"Oh geesh... I'm already on my way home. I'll be there in about 20mins"
I get home and Dad is sitting at my back yard table getting slobbery boxer kisses and being covered in little bitty boxer hairs from the rubs & hugs. :love:love
Seems that he was worried so he went up to check on her and she was absolutely fine.. had just been quiet all day. 🎉🎈🎉 But she poured on the Boxer-pout and whine and the "I love you so much please let me out" eyes....

I have to confess though.. I slipped her a 1/2dose of CBD oil yesterday morning.. that just MIGHT become a regular thing for a while..
Also, a local woman is starting up a dog training 'club' near me. She is AKC certified in several training levels & is planning to start classes along with meet-ups where people can let their dog's socialize in controlled situations while improving their obedience skills! THIS sounds like a VERY good thing for for us.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Yay, Birdie! She undertands that you will come back to her.

Absolutely do the training club thing! Obedience training is so much fun! Sometimes I miss it with the Anatolians since you can't actually do heavy obedience instruction with working LGDs.

Sounds like a cross-species love affair between Havoc and Birdie. They happen. Our first Dorset ram was in love with our mule. LOL The rat was a delicate gift - let' say it was for Birdie so Havoc won't be too upset that YOU rejected it..


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Awe!! That is so SWEET !! Nothing like slobbery Boxer kisses.
CBD can help some dogs. I know that it does fantastic with pain in the dogs. A close friend farms organic CBD and also markets it for dogs/animals -- called That'll Do (yes, he's a herding person). His brand is Orso Farm
If you decide to go that route tell them I sent you (I don't get anything back, but it's nice to know where referrals come from).


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Major failure this AM.
My big black cat is sick. Not sure he's going to make it kind of sick. I'm worried half to death, not sleeping & have had a pounding headache since Friday night.
Yesterday Birdie did nothing different or "wrong" but it just really got on my nerves. Got home from the vet & had to listen to her bark for an hour before she'd stop long enough for me to go let her out. That afternoon I let her out to pee & before I could finish what I was doing & get back to the door she had gone into a barking/running from door to door fit that lasted a little over an hour before she was quiet & I could let her in.
Then this AM....
I fed her & set up the counter to give Chaos meds. When she finished eating I went to the back door as usual & said let's go out. She turned & slunk into the bedroom.
Oh No You Don't!! I JUST got the pee stink out of there!!!
I yelled .... a lot. I chased. I made her get off her bed. We got almost to the door when she turned & darted INTO the crate which is set up for the cat now! When I went to get her out, she ran back to the bedroom. I yelled more & louder. I grabbed her leash & chased. She was on her .... now pee soaked bed! .... I leashed her & put her out the door.
Gave Chaos his meds, attempted to rinse the foam mattress in the shower, started a load of laundry, re-set up the crate & put Chaos back in. She was panting & slobbering all over the door - but sitting & not barking so I let her back in.
I can only imagine the circus tomorrow morning is going to be now.....