Canesisters 2023 journal - turning my Disasters into Delights

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
You'll get it!! Brand new business. Set back and get an overview of what THIS company does, in your mind. It will help you be more comfortable in your roll.

No matter what you think, they do not expect you to know this job at walking in! Do your best to be calm and get a feel for it each day -- it will happen. :hugs it will become easier each week.

Now, get a glass of wine, cuddle on the couch with Birdie & chaos. 🥰👍 relax, get a good night sleep. You got this!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I agree to not beat yourself up and stop letting the past strain from the old job work on your psyche...

I am sure she has a system... and if you are like me... you have to KNOW why this goes where and not jump from place to place... and her system might NOT work for you... so understanding some it from your notes will definitely make it make more sense...and find a system that works for you... get a ..."do this, then this, then this, then that." thought so that you make it a routine in your mind...
And maybe if she is off... you can look at it differently and maybe ask a few "why's" of someone else and they might make it "click" for you.... sometimes someone that is sooo good at something cannot relate well to someone that is totally new at it...because like you at your old job... it becomes as second nature as breathing... okay, you need to take a breath each time you do something until you do it without thinking...

One step at a time... just make sure where you are stepping so you don't lose your balance... slower is better than lightning speed.. if you know WHY you are doing xyz....


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
It’s normal for you to feel that way. New job and a new thing - you will get it. It’s your work ethic that they hired. They know that you will do your best and once you’ve got it figured out everything will work like clockwork.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Completely agree with everyone, particularly what Jan said about understanding WHY each step. Once you understand why something is being done in a process, you can work it out. It took you years at the old place to become the "top dog", you will get this - allow yourself as much time to learn this job as you would allow a newcomer you were training. And remember that you have much more pleasant surroundings and wo-workers!


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Update on my 'drama-drama' lol.
New job week #2 went ok. Some parts better, some parts still a struggle. The lady training me took more time off.. so I'm choosing to believe that she has more confidence in me than I do.

Birdie stuff. I got it in my head that I had no idea what I was going to do to protect that wild girl when it gets cold & wet in a few months. To the point that I was even trying to get ahold of my friend at the shelter to see if any of the other people who were interested in her might still be. 😢
Then I settled down and made a plan. Did I tell yall that she is still fighting the kennel - REALLY fighting it? I discovered a spot last week where she had not only gotten her head through the cattle pannel but also chewed a hole through the field fence on the other side! She was lucky to not have sliced her throat pulling her had back through that ragged mess!
Anyway, today after church was spent refurbishing the kennel.
I drained the saggy, leaky tarp and pulled it off. Then tightened up the chainlink roof & added some extra supports & added a new tarp. I pulled off all of the field fence from the front pannel and replaced it with a 10'x6' hunk of chain link on the inside of the pannel.
I put an old giant plastic dog crate with a blanket in there.
I'm going to add a bunch of clear shower curtain liners along the sides to prevent rain/sleet/snow from blowing in. AND she had a brand new pink ripstop waterproof dog coat in the way. She's worn one of my old lab's coats a few times - hasn't lost it or eaten it.. so hopefully that will be enough to keep her comfortable even in the worst weather this winter.
I'm FINALLY ready to get serious about getting Blossum weaned. Her stall is cleaned, setup & ready. Now that I've gotten a delivery of hay, I'm able to fill a manger for her & keep her in a stall during the day. Wish me luck.
OH! And as if I didn't have enough to worry about.. i've decided that I MUST pull up the carpet in the den. I just can't stand the filthy thing any longer. I'm just going to paint the sub floor and throw a rug on it.... one day soon.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Glad to hear the update... and you're lack of posting tells me that you don't need the "stress release outlet" that the old job was causing...
Of course the 2nd week went better... and the 3rd week will get even better... and maybe the lady training you taking the time off is also a way for you to not feel like you are under the microscope.... which is normal even as nice as they seem to be.... you are trying to be the perfect replacement and stressing that you aren't doing everything right the first time she explains it... this gives you a little breathing room without someone right there... and gives you a chance to think it through in your own way... reason it out, and apply what she taught you in a way the will "click" in your mind.
As for Birdie... she may never like you being gone... but you are doing the very best you can for her and she will have to adapt.... and you will get the pen/fencing etc fixed to do what it has to do... and she will learn to accept it even if she does not like it.
Good to hear about Blossom...
You are getting there....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Thanks for the update, all is good news! I know you are worried about Birdie, #1 is containment, she is one freaked out determined dog! You will be able to fix her up so she can’t escape. #2 making her comfortable. She is tougher than you think, the dog crate and blankets will keep her cozy. And look at it this way, if she is pacing and pitching a for, the bodily exercise will help keep her warm! LOL

Yes! Rip up the old carpet! It’s easiest to do if you cut it in 2’ strips. Then you can bag it up for the trash and it’s easier to handle. Paint the floor with an oil base paint, it will hold up better. Area rug, those can be found in a lot of places.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
YAY update!
Work will continue to get better and easier.
As for Miss B --- she's a stubborn German through and through. some of her issues could be reading off your stress - esp from the old job and the learning curve of the new of the new one. That doesn't mean she'll be perfect once you settle in. A lot could be learned behaviors from even before you got her. Hang in there you are doing all you can. @Baymule said it - that pacing could easily keep her warm. When I grew up we had Vizslas - hunted for pheasant in the cold snowy winter - by today's karen standards that would be cruel to the dogs - but they loved it, kept moving and never suffered, and we ate a lot of pheasant.