Herd Master
Dang. Sorry about the chicken.
This is Eva's calf, so only 1/4 jersey, which I think might make her a particularly good beef mom. Potentially higher volume & fat than a pure angus without the complication I have with Eva producing SOO much the first month that she requires help. She's quite docile & easy to handle.Okay, what do you, and/or the hay guy, think she weighs? Replacement heifers are going for $2.00 lb and up for 5-600 weights... I would say she is conservatively worth $1200 without seeing a current picture or having a guess at the weight... BRED BEEF heifers (granted she is 1/2 jersey) , are bringing $1500-2500 across the board, most in the 18-2200, and with the low cow numbers in the country, from the drought and shortage of hay supply and farmers culling so many last year, the cattle prices are going to go even higher this year. Not saying to gouge the hay guy... just giving you a couple of figures to think on. I would conservatively say that at least $1200 is not out of line. I will try to see what they are doing this coming week to see if there are any in the 6-800 lb range for replacements and then you can make adjustments for her being 1/2 dairy although she looks more beef. The thing of it is she ought to raise one real crackerjack of a calf because of the jersey blood and milking ability... bred back to angus, the calf will be 3/4 beef and should fit right in with most any group he might want to sell...
Does he kill any for beef? Maybe make a trade for some hay and some beef???? Most beef is being sold for around $5/lb when people buy a 1/2 or something... Hamburger in the store is around $5/lb for good stuff... steaks and all a hanging half in the neighborhood of 250-300 lbs is worth 1200 .... say a 1/4 beef and however many rolls of hay (don't know what you are paying for hay)?????
She was a year in Nov.How old is Eva’s calf? Blossom will make a real nice cow, being 1/4 Jersey and 3/4 Angus. She should bring top dollar. Replacement heifers are scarce these days.
How old and about what is her weight?