He has a schedule conflict in the morning & can't come back. He said everything felt like she was in the perfect spot in her cycle. I'm to watch her & let him know what she's doing tomorrow. Luckily I'm off, so obsessing over Eva's lady parts will be a major part of the day.
Tractor Supply is the only place that carries my favorite candy 'bar'. I tossed one in my bag to take to work for those really hard nights where a bit of chocolate is VITAL.
Tonight I noticed this on the back....
She was still bellowing when I got home. A few texts back & forth and David said he could swing by in the afternoon. 2nd breeding done around 5pm. We should know for sure by the end of this month if it 'took'. @Baymule can't help ya with calf picts until Nov - but here's the baby-daddy.
I decided last minute to go with 'in the top percentages for high quality carcass' over the hoped-for temp eye candy of a pretty faced hereford.
It's almost 2am Tues and I'm wide awake . This temp schedule is going to be rough. I may as well go ahead & get lunch packed & my bag stocked now and not have to mess with it at 5am.
I still can't imaging how the next 3 days are going to work. Twelve people working in an area that requires 4 - at most. And all of them from different crews that each believe that the way they do things is the only acceptable way.
I'm planning to bring snacks & some of my flavored coffee pods - just stay out of the way & enjoy the show.
The current gossip is that they are going to have us working a Tues-Thurs 36hr/week schedule.
The usual has been 1 week 36hrs & 1 week 48hrs. If this drags on for a number of weeks my bank account is going to REALLY miss those long weeks. BUT having 4-day weekends during spring has potential to be Amazing.