Carla D-Great new adventures and an Amazing Life


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
See? I told you she'd show up. I use the Arnicare, I love the stuff. I use both the pills and the rub on cream, so does my husband. I have even given the pills to the dogs when they got snakebit by copperheads.

I have her Violet's Lotion too. I don't have fibromyalgia, I have a bad knee, with the cartilage gone. The lotion gives me relief.

Wait until @Devonviolet gets started on diet and fermented foods. She and I both have Chemical sensitivities, to the point where we can use NO perfumes, cleaning agents, scented laundry detergent, candles, anything with a smell. She has it worse them me, just walking into Lowes with all those products outgassing, knocks her for a loop. Needless to say, we both lead a pure, chemical free life. You might look into that for yourself.

What cleaning products do you use? Look at the list of chemicals and look them up. Toxins. What about air freshener? Don't get it on your skin, don't ingest it, but suck it into your lungs? Laundry products, dryer sheets that make your clothes smell good, contain benzine-a carcinogen. Your clothes are soaked in chemicals, right next to your skin, to be absorbed. Furniture polish, oven cleaner, the list goes on and on. Start paying attention to what you use. The poison soup that you are exposed to daily could contribute to your flare up.

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
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Wilson, Wi
I have made many friends in here the last several months. I’ve even stood my ground when unsolicited advice came my way. There are a couple if not more people who are upset with me. That’s fine. I would stand up for myself again if the same situation were to arise again. I’m going to logout for some time. I don’t know when I’ll be back. Things are picking up on the farm. It has been raining very steadily if not heavy the last 30 hours. Half of our snow is gone now. But we have standing water to deal with now. The water has nowhere to go right now because the ground is still frozen. Back half of our barn has standing water in it now. Not sure where we are going to put everyone, but we go get them on dry land. I’m not sure when I will be logging in again. Take care and good luck to all of you.


Herd Master
Feb 2, 2014
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I know this may sound unconventional and not everyone believes in these types of things. So if you dont I can totally respect that. Have you ever considered energy healing, such as reiki or acupuncture. I have found through personal experience, that when I get severe headaches, to the point I feel I am going to throw up, that I need to sit down and meditate and clear all the stagnant energy left in my system.

I have seen cases of people with fibromyalgia that have gone through energy healing and had a significant decrease in their pain. If you have tried everything else and nothing changed it may be worth a shot.

I wish you the best of luck Carla, and I hope you know just how strong you are.

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
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Wilson, Wi
Was it something I said??

Take care of yourself and please do come back.
No it wasn’t anything you said. It was basically two people and they know who they are. They may have realized what they said because I went back and there is nothing in that thread where they posted. I’m going to assume it was taken down Beloit didn’t pertain to the thread. Right now we are in another emergency. It’s been raining heavy for the last day and a half. There is nowhere for it to go. The ground is still quite frozen. We had major piles of snow. Not no more. They are half the size they were three days ago because of all of the rain. We have major flooding going on. The only animals not in immediate danger at the moment are the goats and the rabbits. My sisters-in-law has standing water in her basement which sits about 10 feet higher than the barn. We have three very pregnant pigs that are scheduled to farrow in two weeks with two more behind them two or three see further out. We have nowhere to put them. There isn’t a dry place on the entire farm other thethe mound septic system. There are farmers who are on the brink of losing more than we are. The entire back third of our barn is under water. That’s where we have our youngest pigs. The barn is also the area our teenage and senior pigs go to get out of the weather. This is bad. I think we are going to be forced to find a place off the farm to farrow their litters. The goats would be up to their necks in water had we gotten them out where we planned on putting them.
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Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi
I know this may sound unconventional and not everyone believes in these types of things. So if you dont I can totally respect that. Have you ever considered energy healing, such as reiki or acupuncture. I have found through personal experience, that when I get severe headaches, to the point I feel I am going to throw up, that I need to sit down and meditate and clear all the stagnant energy left in my system.

I have seen cases of people with fibromyalgia that have gone through energy healing and had a significant decrease in their pain. If you have tried everything else and nothing changed it may be worth a shot.

I wish you the best of luck Carla, and I hope you know just how strong you are.
I am not opposed to trying other forms of meditation. Unfortunately it’s going to have to wait. Only a few of our animals have dry ground to walk on. We have five pigs to farrow in the next month, with three of the in less than two weeks. We don’t have anywhere dry for them right now.


Herd Master
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
I am not opposed to trying other forms of meditation. Unfortunately it’s going to have to wait. Only a few of our animals have dry ground to walk on. We have five pigs to farrow in the next month, with three of the in less than two weeks. We don’t have anywhere dry for them right now.
Best of luck, do what is important first. The rain has been a pain in the arse these past few months. Hopefully you will be able to find some dry ground for your animals.

Maybe for the pigs you could try some pallets to use as a temporary floor.

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi
Best of luck, do what is important first. The rain has been a pain in the arse these past few months. Hopefully you will be able to find some dry ground for your animals.

Maybe for the pigs you could try some pallets to use as a temporary floor.
That is a thought. We are also tossing out the idea of having a few truckloads of sand hauled out. But we don’t think that’s a possibility with the weight restrictions and ground conditions at the moment. I’m so glad my husband can come up with contingency plans better than I can. At this moment I see us losing our breedstock of pigs. They are already bullying one of them the smaller one to the ground so they can lay on her to stay dry.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
I'm sorry you are dealing with this. We've been wet/muddy for about 17 years now... or almost that long. I'm not sure we've really dried up more than a week or so since Hurricane Harvey. I hope you can figure it out. Pallets with some boards to cover up the spaces between would be a good temporary fix. You're probably correct in thinking that you can't get anything hauled in because of the conditions. Hang in there - this too will pass. (or so they say)