CBL=)~~~> great mood


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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I "spank" my goats. I will pop them on the shoulder or backside when they need it, for being overly pushy or aggressive. I don have a problem with spanking, goats or kids or most other critters (my reptiles dont get spanked, lol)

However, I dont have a mother here telling me that its against the rules. If your mom says "dont hit the goats" then hon, you dont hit the goats.

To be blunt, you live in your mother's house, and so, her house=her rules. It's just the way it has to be and it's that way for good reasons, you dont have to like it (I never did, lol) but you do need to respect it.

As for the computer thing, I wonder if your mom is maybe a little jealous of your computer. Make sure to spend some "Hang out" time with your mom. It may help BOTH of your attitudes and feelings.

Dont be in such a rush to move out. There is not as much freedom in moving out as people your age seem to think there is. At home with your parents, if you break the rules you get yelled at or grounded. Once you move out and break the rules, you get fired or even worse, go to jail. Then add in rent/mortage, power/ phone, insurance, gas, medical bills, property taxes, personal taxes etc. Once you do move out, you will quickly realize all the stuff your parents have done for you that you didnt even realize.

Moms can be difficult. I know this. My mother is/was the poster child for overbearing bossy mothers that dont know when to quit. BUT, she is my mother and I respect her for that, if nothing else.

I know that the computer is not the most important thing in your life. Mother's say stuff like that when their feeling are hurt, when they feel left out.....Go spend some time with your mom. Make her a bowl of icecream, tell her that you love her and watch some tube or play a board game or something. Show her that you respect her rules and her leadership and show her that you love and respect her........see if it doesnt make the next six years a lot easier.


Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
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Hanna, IN
x3 on DonnaBelle. The things I regret most in life are the times as a young adult that I made my mother cry. I remember telling her a few times I was going to move out and thinking what's the dif to her and why is she hurt---I'm going to leave eventually. I so so get it now. That phase of life, the part where you just want to walk out the front door and be done, is such a very brief phase. Soon enough you will be like many of us who just wish we could return to that part of life and be with our parent's again, either because we miss being with them now that we are moved away with busy lives or because they have gone "home". :hugs


Loving the herd life
Jan 11, 2012
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thank you all for the kind words and sorry for the lack of response. Buuut me and my mom are getting along beter :weee AND I HAVE 3 PIGEONS :woot

Well, we headed to Chitna, and since I'm lazy I'm going to copy the story off a different site, so, if it doesnt make sense, bleh

Sooo, we went to Chitna first and got 2 fish the first day dipnetting. Their copper reds (salmon) so they travel further then any other fish and are like the toughest fish to kill. And i learned that if you gut them fast enough, their heart still beats after its out of the body. One seemed to be beating for a good 15 minutes after it was dead :ep And this was when the fish was all cleaned out. We dipnetted some more, and ended up with 14 copper reds (our limit was 40) We also tried to dipnet somewhere else, (long trail) but it wasn't too good. It was fun on the trail tho. And then my dad took me on the 4wheeler to a trail with a sign saying


Passing this point could end in severe injury or DEATH! Passing this point is prohibitted!

But it wasnt blocked off! :th We passed a bit after that but never got to see the death scary part. Well, we left cause me and my sis were getting bored. We went to Valdez cause the pinks
(salmon, good for smoking but dont freeze well) were in. They were in SO THICK! And you snag catch them, so catching our limit was SO easy. Then when low tide came, we like to search the beach for stuff- there were so MANY dead fish with just eyes missing, or a head, or a couple with guts missing :th Well, I rescued one who could barely swim who was stuck in a little puddle, and then I found a big puddle thing with a BUNCH of fish in it, and I just grabbed them! LOL! I did that the day before in my boots, but this was so easier and funner. We didn't keep them, but it was fun just catching them. I got a lot of scratches tho cause they have so many teeth :hide And the one who I rescued I would have LOVED to catch cause he was soooo big, but I put him back in the water. When we tried to catch our limit THAT day, it was harder cause high tide was coming in, but we got it! We also saw sea otters and seals. They were both so cute. But in the end I figured out we had 62 fish, so like 124 filaes (the meat off both sides- i dunno how its spelled)

Think thats about it, We collected the pink salmon eggs since they use those eggs mostly for bait, cause we thought our chicken sitter would curethem... he doesnt.... LOL

Oh, and you can only get 6 pink salmon PER PERSON!! WTH? Red salmon you can cacth 15 for a single person (it was 10 extra because there were so many going through, usuially its 30 for us the limit) and those arent that common! But pink salmon once the hatchery (the hatchery runs how the pink salmon spawn, all the pinks go to the hatchery) gets its limit the others just have to die, but they dont raise the limit. WTH? I think the bears can live with less fish if they raise the limit and those seagulls are just SPOILED!!


Loving the herd life
Jan 11, 2012
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Oh and its my b-day today, and this is what i KNOW i'm getting

a camera (wasnt told, i found out)
serema pair (sis asked me which ones i wanted and said 'i may be getting thsi for you...lol' )
Pigeons (GOT 'EM)
Eat at Bostons (yummy restraunt)
Swim (w/ dad)
Eat our for lunch
go to Step Up Revolution

so, i may not be on much tomorrow


True BYH Addict
Sep 3, 2009
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McIntosh County, OK
Happy Birthday Kidlet, seems like you had a fab birthday with lots of presents!!

Glad to hear your Mother is back in your good graces.

Have fun,



New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :bun Glad to hear you had a good fishing trip and that you and your mom are getting along again. :thumbsup