Herd Master

Yeah well I went out to feed them and he kept turning his head back and forth and kept rubbing his beard all. over. me. So I had to take a shower I stank, LOL.Pearce Pastures said:Great pics. I love love love that goat's beard! My teenage bucks are just starting theirs and my Apollo's is coming in but still needs some length. I can't wait until they have a beard like that!
You HAVE to post pics of the cochins. lol, I used to have the SWEETEST black cochin (turned out to be a roo though :/ ) and so this year I ordered a black one, and a few different colors...The 'black' one was birchen, LOLSouthern by choice said:Sayin hi CBL! HI I have been waiting for someone to answer you too. I don't have an answer for you either.
Try posting in goats stuff, you'll probably be bombarded.Why do you think Sass is barren?
Starbuck is a real looker, my Heidi would be smitten! Sass has a darling face.
BTW- my cute barred cochins (6wks) are growing so fast! My blue (named Balou) is a real sweety, 3 wks old today! But my second order of Barred Cochins ARE NOT barred. Mix up....5 SR Black Cochins. I love em anyway.
Thanks Marl, I wasn't worrying, just thinking. I marked down the first few days I saw her stand for being bred. Wish I could seperate them for a few more months but we only have 1 shelter right now.marlowmanor said:Does will go into heat every 18-21 days. Their actually heat will last anywhere from 24-48 hours to a couple days. I know with Bailey I noticed her in heat last month and she was in heat for a couple days it seemed. I'm going off how long the wethers acted like bucks with her for heat length. It's possible Sass may let the buck mount her for a while but until she is actually stands for him to breed her the mounting is just playing or a dominance thing. She also may not settle the first time. Honestly with her being as young as she is I wouldn't worry too much about her not being bred right now if she isn't yet, it will give her time to grow up a little more. JMHO. What I am doing and what you should probably do is write down when your doe comes in heat and wait 18-21 days to see if she comes back in heat. If she doesn't come back in heat you can assume she is bred. I marked on my calendar when I saw Bailey in heat last and counted 18-21 days from that time to determine when she should come back in heat. According to my calculations she should be coming back into heat next week. I'll see next week if the buck we have here now shows interest in her and gets her bred. Now Dixie I have no clue about. I haven't seen her come into a heat here. Just have to wait and see with her.