CBL=)~~~> great mood


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
Cute pig, poor baby about the harness.

And I meant to just say "school", sorry. :hu


Loving the herd life
Jan 14, 2012
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New York
Sorry about the goats :hugs

I know nothing about pigs, but he's pretty cute!


Loving the herd life
Jan 11, 2012
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In fact, we're keeping more. We're going to keep Chitna, Sass's daughter, Kenai, Chitna's half sister (same dad, but Kenai's mom was an alpine), and we may or may not keep Chito (to breed w/ Siella or as a wether prob. breed then wether XD), and we may or may not keep Sass. She's gotten very standoffish, and absolutely hates everyone but Chitna. So yeah. And we may do a buck swap for Chito so both places can get new genetics. If we don't keep Sass we may look for another doe. So yup, goats moving ahead here!
And we're gonna build a barn in the summer. We just need palettes, is all. (YES PALETTES, I LIKE CANADA!) lol, I put an ad on CL for palettes and my mom was like 'You spelled palettes weird...' and my canadian friend was like 'She spelled it the Canadian way, lol! But it seems weird to spell it paletts *shrug* or is it Paletes? DX I'm so confused, cause i though the proper spelling was Palettes ?!?!? XD lol
Getting more ducks tomorrow, 30, assorted from Ideal Poultry. We also have 2 month old chickens who need to lay now, and one chicken who is this |-| close to being butchered. She keeps going into the pigeon coop (aka her old coop) and keeps eating the eggs their sitting on (that i want to hatch and sell), and now she's injured one. So next time shes in there, I'm
A) Grabbing the ax
B) Giving her to the neighbor and saying 'KIIIIIILLLLLLLL'
Shes an old chicken who hasn't even layed since last year. Not friendly at all, at least our other old hens are nice!
Oh and PETA is such a slob. His cage is so frigging dirty, if we don't limit his water his cage is a mud fest in a day.


Loving the herd life
Jan 11, 2012
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Ok so the barn isn't quite built yet however we have 20 Palletes

So here's my rant. What happened was we sold Siella, the alpine goat, kids and kept her. Then sold Sass and kept her kid, Chitna (they both had litters of 3 but one died from each and we sold sass's buckling a while ago)
So after they picked her up, I sent them an email asking how's it going. I got this today

'So, this email got buried when I didn't respond right away, then I was mostly just annoyed, b/c she didn't do well on the stand at. all.
Now 10-days -later we're a bit more settled in. She's giving adequate milk (not without a fight), and we may have figured out a way to keep the scur (curling back to her scull) from growing into her brain (sorta wigged me out when I noticed that a couple days ago).

Sooo, basically realized I didn't look close enough or ask enough questions when we picked her up. With our current busyness I don't think I would have picked a 'project' goat like this for this time.
Best answer I have for how-things-are-going: we'll manage, and not complain past this note, but if you wanted to buy her back, that would be nice.'

Ok, no, I don't remember mentioning the scurs. They aren't our fault but I should've said something. I take responsibility and I'm sorry for that.
Rest of the email pisses me off

Sass does fine on the stand. Might need to tie her legs but she does fine. No, I don't expect her to be a perfect milker in an alien place, no familiar goats, no familiar people. Would you be calm as a snail?
'Project goat' ? Lady, if you think Sass is a project goat then you got another thing coming. sass has ALWAYS been calm as a bumble bee. She can be pushy around food, and cry at 5 in the morning now and then, but that isn't a project goat. That's a 'I'm not perfect' goat. Siella's kids were project goats. They'd jump on you, vehicles, eat your clothing/hair, cry if they were 2 feet from their mum and were nursing full time at 10 weeks old.
Now, call her a project goat but at least give a freakin' reason. Other then 'she didn't do good on the stand. At all.' Oh, she's somewhere 110% alien and she is nervous and doesn't do good on the stand for the first few days? We should out her down, she sounds like such a Terrible goat!

Lady, she's not perfect, but if you consider any goat that gets scared when the very first time it's somewhere new, with nothing familiar, and has a few flaws a 'project goat', you REALLY shouldn't be into animals.

Like, seriously, does anyone here have a goat that's perfect? That doesn't have a quirk, or bug or something that makes them unique or maybe at times a hand full, but still wouldn't consider them a 'project goat' ?? If not then I feel alone.

Either way this lady still PO'ed me


Loving the herd life
Jan 11, 2012
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Nope. They have 3 bucks and 3 does. 4 including sass
Who needs 3 bucks?!


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Who needs 3 bucks?!
I do! LOL I have 3 bucks and I love their personalities.

I am sorry she seems a bit disappointed with Sass. It sounds like she was expecting a smoother transition. Maybe their expectations were just a little too high. I have a girl that was good on the milkstand last year decide she doesn't even want to get on the stand for me now. Goats will be goats. About the scur, she could have seen that when they picked her up so I wouldn't worry about that.


Loving the herd life
Jan 11, 2012
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ragdollcatlady said:
Who needs 3 bucks?!
I do! LOL I have 3 bucks and I love their personalities.

I am sorry she seems a bit disappointed with Sass. It sounds like she was expecting a smoother transition. Maybe their expectations were just a little too high. I have a girl that was good on the milkstand last year decide she doesn't even want to get on the stand for me now. Goats will be goats. About the scur, she could have seen that when they picked her up so I wouldn't worry about that.
LOL. Yeah. I see your point, lol

I know. It's like she doesn't understand that >,< and she has 3 children, so you'd think she'd understand transitions and that animals will be animals

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