I promise I will get pictures in a bit but Joy had a little boy while I was at work this morning. I just got home so I need to get chores done and I am going to get a weight on him too. He has a black speckled head and super curly hair like a lamb.
He has such a unique head on him as far as his color goes. I like his color but I do not like the curly hair. LOL Well here are a few pictures of him and I have a question about Joy. This is a graphic picture and it will be the 4th picture so if you can't stand the sight of birth then do not look past picture 3.
Joys buckling is his name until everyone is born and the kids pick who gets who.
Do you think she is done? She kidded between 8 and 1 a.m. but this rope has me wondering She does not look like she is hiding one and since my mom has smaller hand I called her to the barn and she went in to her wrist and felt nothing.
He is a handsome boy! Will the curly hair perhaps go away over time to be replaced by normal hair? Kind of like baby hair in human children, some start off really curly, then straighten out with age.
I would say if she is tending to the baby, and acts hungry, she is probably done. any of them that I have seen not finish seem distracting and a little confussed. Good luck, hope she is doing well.