Changing goals and speed


Loving the herd life
Aug 5, 2016
Reaction score
SW Oklahoma
I did get to go home on Sunday.
So, this may be a TMI moment for the guys, and I suggest you don't read further if you don't want to know about "girl parts", lol.
I had a tubal done, because I'm done having kids (about time, right?). I woke up to them removing the trach tube, coughing and gagging, and it went down hill from there. Just extreme pain without relief and a nasty rude nurse. The nurse said I was just being "emotional" because I was in tears from the pain and couldn't choke out any words because my throat was swollen - even though when she asked if I was in pain I nodded my head yes and gave her 10 fingers for intensity.
She ignored me and said it was just emotion and gave me Ativan...and still no pain relief since Ativan is an anti-anxiety med, after several hours of suffering with what felt like being gut shot with a large caliber rifle, I squeaked out that I wanted to go home - mostly to get away from the nurse because she wasn't getting the hint that the tears are purely from intense pain and her not getting the picture that I'm suffering. I went back to the ER a few hours later because the pain was unbearable even after taking the percoset, and doubling the dose advised by the on-call doctor from my office.
So they pulled me back and put me on a morphine pump which instantly relieved it, then they kept me for observation all day Saturday and Sunday to make sure it wasn't a problem with bleeding or any other issues. For whatever reason, apparently my tubes did not like being banded at all and that's all it was. I have zero bleeding at the two tiny incisions and only a normal amount of bleeding anywhere else. I feel fine, although a bit tender, today.

Of course I'd gush over a new goat, that's a lot more fun to talk about than how your ovaries are throwing a fit over you not wanting anymore children, lol!

DH is happy I'm home I think, other than the discomfort and being up and down a lot last night. He didn't have a good weekend, lots of "farm stress" and not knowing who/what/where. We lost one of our doe rabbits, she had a big litter and he was lost with what to do (she had 12 that are a week or so old) and he was unprepared to bottle feed them. One of our others had lost her litter the day before, they were all deformed and still born, so I suggested giving them all to her.
So, DH is sending me pics in the hospital of rabbits because he doesn't know which one to give them to. Luckily, Daisy decided she wants those babies and is caring for them. Then of course I'm worried about my alpine doe dropping babies while I'm gone because she's bagging up massively, I ask DH if Missy looks any closer and the reply is "which one is that?". I tell him "The alpine"...he says "what's she look like?". I tell him "the black and white one that looks like a cow" - oh ok, yeah her udder is huge....dude I know it is, now go look at her backside and tell me if she's got discharge, lol.
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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
I would write a very succinct letter to the hospital detailing out the behavior of the nurse. That is simply unacceptable. Sorry you once again had to deal with pain... Hope you're back "good as new" quickly. The farm and family obviously need you.


Loving the herd life
Aug 5, 2016
Reaction score
SW Oklahoma
I told the other nurse in the pre-op area what happened when I was trying to escape and she went and printed out grievance forms and said when I felt better to write it all down and submit it because it was BS. She was very nice to me and treated me well and said that behavior was not acceptable at all and that I needed to report it. i will when I am sure I can clearly put it all together coherently. Of course, it's that other nurses word against mine and with me being drugged she has the upper hand, but my best friend here is a nurse and is pulling the records for me to look for anything out of the ordinary as well. I'm going to hang that wicked witch out to dry.

ETA: I did tell the on call dr from my office what happened and he said he was wondering why I went home if I was still feeling so bad and that the nurse had said I felt fine, and that after I told him what PACU nurse was up to it made sense on why I wanted out of there and he didn't blame me for leaving, and also I should report it. I do remember parts very clearly, and others are fuzzy.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Of course, it's that other nurses word against mine and with me being drugged she has the upper hand, but my best friend here is a nurse and is pulling the records for me to look for anything out of the ordinary as well. I'm going to hang that wicked witch out to dry.
I suspect you could describe the events to any number of people at the hospital and they could name the nurse. Bad pennies don't go unnoticed. Your grievance might save quite a few people from similar "care".

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
I’d started your journal some time ago and just finished it. I find your adventures entertaining and interesting. You are definitely much more self-sufficient than I am. Maybe I’ll learn a small retain something along the way. ;)

As a nurse, your treatment was entirely unacceptable. Please make it clear that you called the on-call doctor and also went to the ER in your grievance. They’ll probably gather whatever records possible to validate your story.

That’s awesome that you rescued that doe, Velvet! I’m sure she will do well for you. The rescues always seem to know.

How many children do you have? You mentioned something about it being “about time” and I don’t recall.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
So sorry to hear of your troubles AC....:hugs
If ya really want action with that nurse, be sure to approach a hospital administrator with your complaint....that way hospital politics can't come into play....the system avoids the administrators office being informed, because they have the power to squeeze ya where it hurts....I've had a few run-ins with several myself, and when ya get the administrator involved it takes on a whole different meaning. Sure hope ya heal up well and quickly.....and it sounds like it was a real wake-up call for DH as to all that ya handle and just how Amazing a lady he has by his side.....he is a very lucky man....:thumbsup


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I had to laugh at you texting back and forth with your husband over farm chores. Funny to me, probably not to your husband. Glad you are home, now do what you need to do to heal up and get back to your very own level of crazy.


Loving the herd life
Aug 5, 2016
Reaction score
SW Oklahoma
@Wehner Homestead I have 5 children, DH has 3 more so we have a total of 8, ranging from 20 to 1 year old. "About time" is right, lol.

I got the nurses notes from my visit from my friend (signed a release so she could print it all off) I knew something was wrong with the whole Ativan thing, the nurses notes show that after giving me Ativan, against my will as I remember telling her no, my O2 stats dropped to 46% and I got the good ole chin tilt. I don't remember that, but I do remember telling her I didn't want Ativan. I went to school to be a pharmacy technician, so I was well aware of what Ativan is and why I didn't need it as I was not experiencing anxiety, just severe pain. I had REAL anxiety after telling her no and getting it anyway. I do find it amusing she wrote my demeanor is pleasant and cooperative...after I flat out told her no and argued with her about wanting my husband there since they said I'm not "competent" to make those decisions so I insisted on DH being there to make them, they released me after that.
I've never had problems with surgery before. I just had a major open arm surgery in December and that wasn't bad at all, slightly painful but not like this, and the only real interaction I remember with that PACU nurse was her telling me "I'm taking your heater away, I know you're cold, but you won't stay awake" - lol. I have a lot of respect for nurses and do my best to treat them that way, I had no problems with any other nurses for my weekend "getaway" and the housekeeper told my husband how nice and sweet I was (she must have mistaken me for someone else!).

DH did not find our texting amusing, he just doesn't know all the animals by name so when I tell him "ok give those babies to Daisy she just lost her litter the day before" I got "which one is Daisy?" Then pictures of the rabbits so I could pick out which one was her. Or "hey check on Missy for me, I know she was bagging up" - Missy is the Alpine...yeah, no horns, black and white, looks like a cow...yes I know her udder is huge, now go look at her butt. I kind of wish I could have seen his facial expression for that one, probably a mixture of WTF and "did she really just tell me to go look at the goats butt?"
I did like the "how much do you feed these guys" question yesterday...DH helps me feed every night but I usually scoop all the buckets, he has been over feeding everyone, but like I told him, i'd rather he over-fed them than skimped them on food anyway.

One of my friends made the joke that the animals and kids must have missed me, and then said "oh and your poor husband, with all the animals to feed and a house to clean and kids to feed...he missed you the most!" I did come home to a nice clean house though. Maybe he'll be a bit more appreciative of what kind of crap I do all day.

I'm moving goats around today. Nothing crazy, just the ones that lead easily. I got complained at for moving Missy yesterday since the weather is crap and I wanted her in the barn because I don't know when she's due but her udder is huge, but no discharge. Better safe than sorry, and she leads better than my dog walks. DH said "oh you feel bad but you're out there messing with goats!" but walking helps relieve the CO2 build up from the surgery and it isn't like I'm wrestling them to the ground.
Velvet is doing great, I finally moved her out of "sick bay" aka the horse trailer. She's perky and obviously feeling pretty good.