Herd Master
Hope the tonsilectomy went well and wish ya a speedy recovery.....remember....Ice Cream!!.....
I couldn't help but think of Storage Wars' "YUUUP! guy when I read that.We had a major disaster and DH and my boys are in Texas dealing with it. Long story short, DH's ex wife stopped paying on her storage unit. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, except the unit is in DH's name since she refused to switch it over. I got a call yesterday and they told me it was going to go to auction, and that the remaining balance for the unit would go to collections. So, I got stuck paying her $500 storage unit fee. That left us with either letting it get auctioned, or going to retrieve the stuff in it...well, the stuff in there is worth way more than $500 so the boys left this morning to go get it. DH called the ex yesterday and she said she didn't care that it was going she couldn't afford the payments anymore (at $120 a month, if that tells you how long it's been since she paid it).
So, I get to enjoy going through all of that crap and getting rid of it. I already figured all her clothes and stuff are going to goodwill, and the rest I will just sell off. An entire dining room set, living room set, etc. I'm keeping the ATV in there. Since we were legally obligated to pay it, I dont even feel bad about selling and getting rid of "her" stuff. It's been in storage since February 2014, when DH and I put it in there after she left their house trashed, but threw this huge fit over wanting her stuff out of it. Some people, I swear.
Some people, like my wife, must keep everything even though it hasn't been looked at in years.