Herd Master
You do know that dishwashers don't get hot enough to actually sanitize (no matter what the setting on the dial/button is labeled) right?so here I am gathering milking supplies to sanitize in the dishwasher in the house
Lena tries to help by standing on the dishwasher door and unloading the silverware onto the floor.

Our hampers are all in the laundry room which is next to the kitchen. Everyone in the family goes through the kitchen at least several times a day so dropping clothes off isn't exactly onerous. You want your clothes washed, they better be in the laundry room. DD2's floor looks like the dirty laundry burial ground. I figure kids are old enough to run a vacuum at a reasonably young age. Any that are old enough to run the washing machine can run a vacuum at least in their own room.Especially throwing clothes on the floor when they have hampers in their closets that were empty, with a pile of clothes next to them. I don't mind doing their laundry if I can just go pick up the hamper and do it, but they are old enough to do it themselves and it's a courtesy if I do.