Changing goals and speed


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
so here I am gathering milking supplies to sanitize in the dishwasher in the house
You do know that dishwashers don't get hot enough to actually sanitize (no matter what the setting on the dial/button is labeled) right?

Lena tries to help by standing on the dishwasher door and unloading the silverware onto the floor.

Especially throwing clothes on the floor when they have hampers in their closets that were empty, with a pile of clothes next to them. I don't mind doing their laundry if I can just go pick up the hamper and do it, but they are old enough to do it themselves and it's a courtesy if I do.
Our hampers are all in the laundry room which is next to the kitchen. Everyone in the family goes through the kitchen at least several times a day so dropping clothes off isn't exactly onerous. You want your clothes washed, they better be in the laundry room. DD2's floor looks like the dirty laundry burial ground. I figure kids are old enough to run a vacuum at a reasonably young age. Any that are old enough to run the washing machine can run a vacuum at least in their own room. ;)


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
I read this and realize how great my first wife had it. Unless breast feeding was required, it was always me that got up with the kids during the night, and I was active duty w/2nd job. I did all the cooking when I was there. I did most of the cleaning inside as well as all the outside yard work. I did at least 1/2 the laundry. I was over worked! :(

ETA she was a crappy wife and a crappy mother but she improved 100% after the separation and divorce... she was no longer a crappy wife.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
@Latestarter I bet she missed you!

@AClark you reminded me of a friend I had-when she could no longer stand the mess her kids made in their rooms, she "tornadoed" their rooms. She took ALL the clothes out of the closets and dumped them in the floor. She dumped ALL the clothes out of the chests. She dragged their mattresses off in the floor. She would not let them pick up a thing, wouldn't let them clean it up for weeks. By that time they were begging to clean up their rooms. When they started sliding into messy again, all she had to do was to threaten to "tornado" their rooms again and they cleaned them right up!


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
I bet she missed you!
Funny you mention that. Kids involved so had to do 6 month sep prior to final div. Had legal sep agreement, I had full custody of kids (she wanted freedom from responsibility... IOW freedom to party). As part of the sep requirements, we couldn't be "alone" together at any time or would have to start the 6 mos over. 4 mos in, she comes over cause she wants to have a serious talk (not to see her kids) and starts to go in the house. I called her back out and reminded her we couldn't be alone together. She was NOT happy... Then before she could say anything, I told her that I hoped what she wanted to talk about was getting back together so I could have the pleasure of telling her to go F&^% herself. She didn't stay long and the talk she wanted never happened. Wonder what she wanted to talk about? :idunno

I'll post this but if you want me to delete it @AClark just let me know and I will...


Loving the herd life
Aug 5, 2016
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SW Oklahoma
You're fine Late - if either of my ex husbands has been like that and helped out, they may not be exes. One person shouldn't have to carry the entire workload for a family. That said, DH is good about chores, I do the late hours because he is active duty and has to be up at 5 to go do PT and doesn't get home until at least 5 something. He does a lot of the hard labor I'm not capable of, and he will cook and clean if hinted at that I don't have time to do it. I don't think either person in a marriage should have to work all day and come home and work more if their spouse stays home. In exchange, DH lets me sleep in on the weekend, makes me a cup of coffee, and tries not to talk to me until I'm human - which is best for all parties involved. Works for me. Sounds kind of wrong since he's up early all week but he can't sleep in, and I certainly can until about 8.

Baymule, funny thing, we call it "Drill Sergeant Hurricane" - modeled after what a DS will do if they find your stuff unsecure during basic training. I've done it, but only when I'm finding garbage and crap in dresser drawers - I just pull them out and dump in the middle of the floor and close the door on my way out so I don't have to look at it.

Bruce, yes I do realize it doesn't get hot enough to actually sanitize, however, I used to have a friend that was a biologist at Auburn University and she said a capful of bleach sanitizes the whole load. She always washed hers with a little bleach - and that's how I sanitize ours. I'm no germaphobe though, and I only do it when I need stuff to be extra clean. Unfortunately, she passed away some years ago from lyme disease. That was before they just treated you for Lyme disease and waited for a positive test, by the time hers came back positive, it had already affected her lungs severely.
I don't have room in my laundry room for that many hampers, so everyone has one in their room - literally it only has to make it in the hamper, but I find that sucker empty and a closet full of dirty clothes.

Ah, first days of milking. Dolly decided laying down would get her out of it about halfway through - uh nope. She kicked the milking bucket out of my hand and I spilled quite a bit, but not all, and ended up with 14 oz (weight) from this morning - it filled a pint jar without foam. She developed a nice sized udder, and it was easier to milk this morning than last night.
Her lack of patience may be my fault, as though I'm getting better at it, I am still slow, and achy morning hands today - we got rain last night, so I'm feeling arthritic. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and actually feels like good physical therapy for my hand after the December arm surgery.
Babies are all doing well and figured out the bottle, they enjoy sleeping on a heating pad in my guest bathroom. Dragging my butt out of bed at 2 AM was not fun though, just to get up in a few more hours.
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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Ah, bleach. Yep that would assist in "sanitizing". Not sure how one adds that to the "wash" though.


Loving the herd life
Aug 5, 2016
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SW Oklahoma
You toss it in the bottom when you start it, pre-wash setting. So everything gets a good bleach rinse before the soap dispenser opens up and dumps the soap out, and plenty of time to rinse the bleach smell off.
I'm a Bleach Queen, it's my most used cleaner by far, floors, toilets, counters, whatever - I have many bleach stained cleaning clothes. I also love 409 for the kitchen and the compressed cans of glass cleaner for windows and mirrors, I think it's SprayWay - idk, but it's cheap and works great. That's pretty much all I use in my house, aside from the dreaded Tide Pods for clothing, not consumption, and dryer sheets.


Loving the herd life
Aug 5, 2016
Reaction score
SW Oklahoma
Weekend fun, I posted about Buttercup and the nightmare kidding ordeal on my kidding thread. We also went out and took the ear tags off our auction Boer does. That was gross! I had no problem cutting them, but their ears were all infected underneath the tags. So now I have 3 does walking around with purple ears from Blu-Kote. Sarah busted DH in the mouth with her horn, accident, but he has a split lip.

I also fixed my big camera, I guess it had dust down in it, and got pictures of the Boer/Kiko does.
I think Josette, the one with the black head, is the poorest of them.
Maggie has a lighter colored head, and Sarah is the dark red head - I think she's the best out of them.
Then just a picture of Ruby,Clara, and JD lazing around. Ruby is a happy camper about her feet, though they still need some work.

Also, a picture of Petunia, just because. She has put on weight very well, so has Colt.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
They are all looking much better and Ruby is happy to have a brighter future ahead than dealing with those painful feet. JD sure looks happy too. Sorry bout the DH's busted lip, but hey....after what ya have been thru and are healing from it is just peanuts in comparison.....:)