Chickens really- My adventure into Goats

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
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The Funny Farm
So far my son got the new platform built for Ozzy and Fancy. ❤️🐐🐐
They will be very happy this morning to find a new place to get up on and rest.

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
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The Funny Farm
Today is my Oldest Sons 30th Birthday. I am running to town for his Birthday cake. Still waiting to get all the proper letters to complete my project. :th I also have to go to Walmart so that will be annoying as usual.
Going to be working on the pallet hay feeders this afternoon if I have time? My husband won't let me use power tools so I don't know what I'll actually accomplish today? :lol:


Just born
Jul 25, 2020
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Hello, My name is Shannon and I don't know where to begin?
I am from central Alberta, Canada.
I'm married and have two Sons. They are adults and 30 and 25 this year. I have been with my husband since he was 19 and I was 15 years old.
Growing up I was always animal crazy. Didn't matter what type either. We had Arabian horses, Goats, chickens and a few cattle growing up. During the recession in the early 80s we moved back to town and sold all the animals. My family originated from Birch Hills Saskatchewan and Hagen. I spent summers at my Granny's where my Uncle had beef cattle, pigs and chickens. I was in heaven there.

Getting now into my adventure..👍
We bought our Acerage 6 years ago. I had horses out at my Moms boyfriends place for 4 years before we decided to jump into living on an Acerage. Free board but I did all the daily feeding and horse care. Emil got Parkinson's and we decided to buy our own place in the country. Sadly he passed away last spring. I have an Arabian gelding named Kupid. He was very green and full of himself at 7 years old. I retrained him myself with many, many miles under saddle. He is now 19 and my very best friend. We have a connection that is special. I don't ride much anymore but when I do he still responds to all my cues. He's a Prince. ❤

I bred Dogs for about 10 years. Pugs I started with. Clowns of the dog world. I love dogs and have 5 right now. A Border Collie/Aussie, Maremma , Golden Retriver/ Aussie, Yorkshire Terrier and a Poodle. Three are trained with livestock. Awesome dogs.

I have been on BYC for a few years. I used to have Ducks and chickens. Sold them all. Not interested in them anymore. Too much effort without any recognition from the birds. Actually stressed me out.

Now the Goats...❤🤠🐐🐐🐐🐐
I got my first two kids in the fall of 2019. Ozzy and Fancy. He was 9 weeks old and her 5 months. Ozzy is a wether and ND/Fainting goat and Fancy a pure fainting goat. I absolutely fell in love with them. So silly and always love me.
Fancy was very skittish and shy. She then became too attached to me and couldn't confine her in the pen. She could escape anything.
Ozzy then began to act way too Bucky and it was a real issue. I finally found a guy that eased my worries and told me by the time he turns 8 months he will settle down. Almost like clockwork Ozzy isn't Bucky anymore.
I just bought myself a pure ND Buckling. He is 5 months old. Black and white with Ice blue eyes. What a sweet little goat he is. I then just bought a Pigmy cross Doeling too. She is only 8 weeks old and so adorable.
I definitely learning as I go with the goats. They can be a handful sometimes. 😂🤠
I just had the Vet out last week and got full exams and ivermectin injections done. Poor Fancy fainted and honestly I almost did too! She really is a Fainting goat. Yesterday we vaccinated the goats but Fancy never fainted. I think she was calmer though yesterday. Plus she likes my farrier that comes to help me with goats too.

Well that's my story so far and thanks for reading..😃
Aloha,I just joined BYH a few minutes ago and your story is the first one I have read.I did so due to the idea of being done with chickens. I am the proud new father of about 50 chickens roosters included.They came to be in my care about a year ago.First there were 2 hens and a rooster that showed up in the back yard so I began to put food and water out for them,long story short I now care for a ever growing family! They are all free range I only supply the extras like game bird feed, meal worms,and other treats! of course lots of fresh H2O.I have assisted a few along the way as new born that looked as if they were not going to survive thus we have a close bond.I have named quite a few and love them all...They spend a fair amount of time searching for their favorite meal centipedes. This is what makes them so needed now as I can go about my days not in fear of finding those creepy crawlies that grow large and have a powerful painful bite! the centipede is not indigenous to Hawaii and seems not to have any predators until now my beloved chickens.

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
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The Funny Farm
Aloha,I just joined BYH a few minutes ago and your story is the first one I have read.I did so due to the idea of being done with chickens. I am the proud new father of about 50 chickens roosters included.They came to be in my care about a year ago.First there were 2 hens and a rooster that showed up in the back yard so I began to put food and water out for them,long story short I now care for a ever growing family! They are all free range I only supply the extras like game bird feed, meal worms,and other treats! of course lots of fresh H2O.I have assisted a few along the way as new born that looked as if they were not going to survive thus we have a close bond.I have named quite a few and love them all...They spend a fair amount of time searching for their favorite meal centipedes. This is what makes them so needed now as I can go about my days not in fear of finding those creepy crawlies that grow large and have a powerful painful bite! the centipede is not indigenous to Hawaii and seems not to have any predators until now my beloved chickens.
I still like chickens although I have no plans to introduce any more birds to my collection of animals. Five years was enough for me. Glad you are enjoying them. 👍 Also welcome to BYH 😄🤠


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
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western Arkansas
Aloha,I just joined BYH a few minutes ago and your story is the first one I have read.I did so due to the idea of being done with chickens. I am the proud new father of about 50 chickens roosters included.They came to be in my care about a year ago.First there were 2 hens and a rooster that showed up in the back yard so I began to put food and water out for them,long story short I now care for a ever growing family! They are all free range I only supply the extras like game bird feed, meal worms,and other treats! of course lots of fresh H2O.I have assisted a few along the way as new born that looked as if they were not going to survive thus we have a close bond.I have named quite a few and love them all...They spend a fair amount of time searching for their favorite meal centipedes. This is what makes them so needed now as I can go about my days not in fear of finding those creepy crawlies that grow large and have a powerful painful bite! the centipede is not indigenous to Hawaii and seems not to have any predators until now my beloved chickens.


You will find a lot of friendly and helpful people on this forum. There are so many on here that know quite a bit about chickens -- not to mention other animals -- and can help you in many ways. I would name a few but fear that I would forget someone worthy. Just know that even though someone might mention something else in their journal title, there is a really good chance that they also know a good bit about chickens.

I hope you will consider starting your own journal, telling us about yourself. The thread titled "For those who don't know where to begin." provides some guidelines, but you can write about anything you care to write about.

Again, welcome to BYH!

Senile Texas Aggie

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