Chickens really- My adventure into Goats

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
Good morning.. :frow
We have the ceiling cut in and all the sanding is done on the walls. I have a bit more primer to roll onto the patched spots today. My Son will roll the ceilings today because I know my arms will not last long. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
I am very excited to get finished and have a fresh clean house for the winter. :weee
I need to pick up a new smoke detector because it's not working. ๐Ÿ˜ณ Plus an exhaust fan for the main bathroom. I need to treat the mold in there that's on the ceiling above the shower. Painting the bathroom once I have the House in order.
Darla is in heat so I will set up a time with Hemi and hopefully he is available in 10 days. Darla isn't liking the changes and sounds during our painting. She doesn't like the sound of sanding because she is terrified of house flies so she has been running around acting like a fly is after her. :th
Dylan doesn't work till later today so he will take her outside to play ball with Lucy so she has a distraction from the invisible monsters in my house.
I have been so busy I haven't had time to spend with my animals. My goats are wondering where the heck I am? They have been calling for me more than usual. Baby Pearl calls Mummmm! Till I come outside to reassure her I'm still alive..๐Ÿ˜‚โค๏ธ๐Ÿ

My Oldest Son is doing well and fighting his addictions. He definitely is feeling proud and a sense of accomplishment helping me paint the house. Of course he has slipped once this past week although it wasn't a major slip. As a Sister and a Mother of someone battling addictions I understand it's one day at a time. There will be a few bumps in the road until his path in life is clear. All I can do is support him and try to guide him along to a better way of living. โค๏ธ
If a person has never witnessed addiction it's hard to comprehend the turmoil and stress it causes everyone around them. I love my Son and I hope he can win his fight because he only has two choices. He either continues to fall victim to his demons and has to leave my house or he cleans up his life and becomes the person I know he really is. โค๏ธ
Enough about that topic. Although it's a serious topic that way too many people endure daily. ๐Ÿ˜•

Once this house cleaning is finished my Son and I are getting busy with my winter preparations outside. I really will get my goats together and hopefully it works having them as one herd. If Ozzy was gone I know I would have them together already. He isn't going no where so I have to actually try a bit harder and not let the behaviour disturb me so much.

Anyways I better stop yapping and hope you all have a wonderful day..๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
It sounds like you've had some enjoyable days working with your boys. I like the names. You should be Mothermamommymum.

I know how your heart hurts for your son :hugs. I hope he can be strong and turn his life around.

A freshly painted house is a wonderful thing. We have two rooms that need paint, they still have the original paint from when it was built 20 years ago, and I'm pretty sure they applied it with a mister. :rolleyes: One of them is dh's office so it has to bug him enough to want to tackle it. He has a lot of book shelves on the walls which makes it a bigger job.
I don't mind the actual painting work, but I really loathe all the prep, which is really what makes or breaks a good job.

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
It sounds like you've had some enjoyable days working with your boys. I like the names. You should be Mothermamommymum.

I know how your heart hurts for your son :hugs. I hope he can be strong and turn his life around.

A freshly painted house is a wonderful thing. We have two rooms that need paint, they still have the original paint from when it was built 20 years ago, and I'm pretty sure they applied it with a mister. :rolleyes: One of them is dh's office so it has to bug him enough to want to tackle it. He has a lot of book shelves on the walls which makes it a bigger job.
I don't mind the actual painting work, but I really loathe all the prep, which is really what makes or breaks a good job.
I know what you mean. ๐Ÿ™„. It takes longer to pack up the room and prep it than the actual painting. I will still have the den, office, three bedrooms and my bathroom to paint next spring. :sick :gig
Thanks for your kindness โค๏ธ...I have faith in his ability to recover and do great things with his life. I don't expect him to be anything other than who he is meant to be. :hugs


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
Holy smokes! painting definitely isn't a fun job, although it's the end result that's the payoff!
Almost have the ceilings second coat applied. Then the tedious job of cutting in the walls ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜ฌ
My house is upside down ๐Ÿ˜ณ I am so excited though to see the end results of all our hard work. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
I got a call from a lady about a Lucy puppy. Was a referral from a family that bought from Lucy's first litter. I'm not sure if she is willing to wait till Late November for one though? Or if she wants a Silkie poo? She wasn't very chatty and only said she will contact me again in November..:idunno
One thing I have to get set up is a place for Bindi to whelp and raise puppies if she is pregnant? My Office will be set up for Lucy and Darlas litters if the two can possibly share a space once the puppies are born?That's if both are pregnant? I don't count my puppies till they are born though. I just get prepared. I'm almost certain Lucy and Bindi are pregnant. Lucy is not herself again. She generally is not a cuddly pooch. Once again she is a cuddly sweetheart and a little annoying with the kisses ๐Ÿ˜‚
Bindi also is very lovey and sits at the screen door with a pine cone in her mouth staring at me with love in her eyes..๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜‚
Not her usual behaviour either.
A lady I know was telling me about colour breeding in Poodles. I probably won't get any Parti colour Poodles breeding Darla with Hemi unless he carries the parti colour gene? She figures I will get solid colours of Black, brown and mismarked puppies from this breeding. Hemi is a Phantom colour Poodle and Darla is a Brown parti Poodle. Also she said none of my puppies will have the brown points like Darla. All will have black points.
:idunno..I couldn't dispute what she said because I honestly don't know what to expect? I don't know how she knows so much though because she has never owned a Poodle before..She breeds Boston Terriers.
I found a Lady that breeds CKC toy brown parti Poodles. I will call her this week. I might buy a male and have my own stud dog here? Her ad though had pictures of puppies but no adult photos so I'm sceptical about her quality of the breeding dogs?

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
Good morning everyone :frow
I have one wall left to do a first coat this morning and will have the second coat finished today. I have have another paint in a darker colour for accent walls and won't do that till my husband has time to tape and patch. When I got new cabinets put in he had to run electrical for two plugs so that needs taping.
I washed my blackout curtains yesterday and that didn't go to well..๐Ÿ™„ From hanging and baking in the sun the backing was rotten and they fell apart :thI will go buy new ones tomorrow. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ˜Š
My letters are finally done so I will go pick them up today. Probably get them painted over the weekend.
Yesterday I was sitting here drinking coffee with my husband and he started chuckling and told me to look out at Finn. To my dismay he was humping the air and very interested in Bindi..๐Ÿ˜ณ Then old Wilson and her were flirting and he was trying too! She stood for him. Off I went in the afternoon to pick up Alison and get another treatment with Hemi. Hemi has no other girls to breed right now so I brought him back home with me for Darla. She isn't ready yet but saves me a trip for when she is. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
I might have to go to Alison's on Saturday with Bindi and Hemi? All depends on Bindi.
My friend that owns Hemi likes to call her dogs kennel dogs. ๐Ÿ™„
The misuse of the name gives the term an awful image of her dogs lives. Her set up is actually good. The little dogs have two runs off a nice sized shed. Plus they have a fenced in backyard for them also. They all live in the house and to me are very spoiled by her. Everyone has clipped hair and vet care. Not one of them are shy or nervous with people so you get mobbed by cute little dogs hopping around. ๐Ÿ˜Šโค๏ธ๐Ÿถ
My Husbands lawyer contacted him yesterday so he is one step closer to finding out if his DUI will be thrown out. The Alberta traffic safety board requested all documents and video of the arrest. So hopefully they decide it's not warranted for further court dates..:fl.Hauling him around is getting old real fast. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
Some of my plants are finished for the season so I will clean out the pots and start getting ready for winter. ๐Ÿ˜’ I don't like the thought of it coming. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
Well I better stop yapping...Have a good day..๐Ÿ˜

chickens really

Herd Master
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
The Funny Farm
I am finally done with the one colour of paint in my main living areas. The ceiling is done in the back entrance but we need to paint the walls. My Husband needs to set up the tricky ladder for us on the stairs leading to the basement. I will not be the one painting those walls. ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ‘
The paint is not exactly what I was wanting although anything is better than the condition that they were in before. Once my pictures are up I will be happier. ๐Ÿ˜Š I will colour test the darker accent colour and might need to darken it a bit more. ๐Ÿ‘
Hemi is such a good little house guest. I am glad he likes it here. Darling Darla is starting to have a little more interest in him. He is a good boy and doesnโ€™t bother with females that are not fully ready.
I am running to town today for curtains and a pack of hangers for my oval mirror. I am mounting it in that hole in the front entrance. ๐Ÿ‘. I have had the mirror for about 20 years and finally have a good place for it. ๐Ÿ˜œ
It has never been hung. ๐Ÿ™„
My poor goats are being neglected ๐Ÿ˜ฉ I havenโ€™t been spending time with them. ๐Ÿ˜•
Excuse the mess but this is my front entrance. Need to paint the closet doors too.