Loving the herd life
I know you can do the heimlich on dogs. It's a lot like they do for people really. Heidi eats her grain really fast and she even snorts like a pig! It would be really scary if she started choking. Glad your's is OK!
Sounds good, and who knows, maybe less competition for the food will help him calm down and eat a little slower.marlowmanor said:They have a pelleted feed, only thing added to it is sunflower seeds and their minerals (till I get a better mineral). He's never choked himself before. I've been tempted to seperate him and his brother and the does and feed the 2 wethers less feed so the does get a better share of the feed. I think I will talk to DH about getting this done. The wethers don't need as much feed as they are getting and since the does are pregnant they need to get their share for sure.LadyIsabelle2011 said:I have one of my own piggy goats who used to choke every now and then, it always scared me half to death because I really didn't know what to do, once or twice I did the himelick maneuver, another time I just pounded her back a little and both seemed to help, either that or she just dislodged it herself :/ I finally stopped the problem by cutting smooth pelleted stuff out of the picture, Pellets themselves are fine, its the really sleek or skinny stuff that I noticed causes the issues. The other girl has never choked once but then she is less of a piggy about pellets ...she's still a piggy, just not about the normal stuff.