Mini Horses
Herd Master
I think the Boer are just beautiful animals. I love their "beefy" look. I almost don't want to use them for meat because they appeal to me so much.
Totally agree!! And, for all their size, they are calm if you just work with them frequently from day one. My bucks here all very tame and mannered. Had to be, at 275-325#, you want manners! I tied mine to a fence and trimmed hooves, no issues....they came when called.
I'll admit -- I never sent one to butcher! Yeah, when I had them most were sold for breeders Back then, a new animal. It was a time when you did "hoorah" for every buckling born!

Now, I would send one to butcher -- mostly, I will keep about 6 does & 1 buck, selling most of the kids to meat market. It's where things are now.
By the way -- my Saanen does are very quiet. Really soft spoken.