CinnamonEli's Barn


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Watched DH back blade the driveway for the 15th time in 2 weeks....i am positive he just likes playing with the dirt. Went to our friends house and stayed up until 3am playing cards, then went home. Saturdays i cleaned all day and organized the house while DH did outside stuff like burning old hay and junk and picking up from winter. Sunday i napped and was lazy until the afternoon then more cleaning/organizing inside the house/garage. Monday we went to my friend house for a b-day party and played cards until midnight.

It was fun and we got a lot done, wish we had more 3 day weekends.

@micah wotring whats your youtube channel?

Hope everyone else had a good memorial day. BYH is slower for sure but i prefer a slower pace where i know everyone and it doesnt take me several houses to catch up on all my threads. I was on BYC for over a year and i could never stay caught up, it took me weeks to read and catch up on "Getting the flock outta here" though i did like that thread a lot. I was pretty active over there like running the 2015 v-day HAL but even so it was to much for me.

Welcome anyone who decided to stick around!