CLSranch a journal to compensate my lack of memory.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Kinda funny story, more irritating to me though. I made a beer run the other day and got I'Ded. No biggie with this new f ing federal law that may be imposing on privacy more than anything to do with checking legal age and license, where they HAVE to scan the id not just look at it or I don't know you bought beer there for 21 years and your still old enough yet you still have to have it scanned.
Anyway she took forever to actually look at it, constantly looking at it, then me to make sure it was really me and my id. F I was old enough to buy a pack of smokes long enough ago that I could start over and still buy beer.
Earlier last week a different cashier studied it long enough to tell me my license is about to expire. Yes I looked over 30 at 21 but dang, it don't take half a look at me to know I'm over 21.
The days of being flattered getting I'ded is over. Now it's just a waste of my time, especially if it takes several minutes.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Kinda funny story, more irritating to me though. I made a beer run the other day and got I'Ded. No biggie with this new f ing federal law that may be imposing on privacy more than anything to do with checking legal age and license, where they HAVE to scan the id not just look at it or I don't know you bought beer there for 21 years and your still old enough yet you still have to have it scanned.
Anyway she took forever to actually look at it, constantly looking at it, then me to make sure it was really me and my id. F I was old enough to buy a pack of smokes long enough ago that I could start over and still buy beer.
Earlier last week a different cashier studied it long enough to tell me my license is about to expire. Yes I looked over 30 at 21 but dang, it don't take half a look at me to know I'm over 21.
The days of being flattered getting I'ded is over. Now it's just a waste of my time, especially if it takes several minutes.
Oh gawd!! I had no idea this was happening (I LONG passed the age of ID checks) -- of course I haven't bought beer or anything lately -- Maybe I will just to see. B-Bro is watching


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Guess it's been forever since I bought anything alcoholic... here in Va we have ABC stores for "hard" liquor... I don't drink beer or wine so not groc store purchases... And last time they didn't card me... maybe before the holidays 2022 or maybe 2021...2020:hide. ??? Might have to get another bottle of Rum for the pina coladas for sleeping medication....:gig:gigo_Oo_O:ep:idunno. I buy the biggest bottle of whatever it is so I don't have to go back anytime soon.... But I will check the cabinet and see what is in there and next time I go, I will make sure I get the JUMBO size....
DS will be drinking some of it in 30 years when I am dead.....:lol:;).

Lunch over, Still bright, cloudy, and good breeze. Heading outside.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
And good news. I candled chicks on day 18 this morning. 15 of 15 candled well. Usually I'd be tossing 8 out right about now and asking her why didn't you do more eggs. The heifer is looking very prego, yet I wished I could have given the clover and other short grass a weeks break before separating them putting them all where the cattle (all 3 head of mini's) are now.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Had a power out this morning about 2. It came back on at 6.30. I had 8 chicks in the brooder box outside so I hooked up a converter to the pick up and plugged the light in that way about 4. It was 60 outside. Had 2 in the incubator at the time. I was just trying to figure out if it would fit in the brooder box, when I came back in to move the bator, the power was on. Power company said it would be on at 4.30, I didn't expect that to happen. DW called back at 4.30 and they changed it to 6.30. Since the storm didn't hit until after 5, I was going to move the incubator just in case. 11 hatched out as of now.

Great news we finally got over an inch of rain. At daylight we had 7/8" before the predicted storm showed up. The next storm got us over that inch mark we've been needing for a month. Put the sprinkler out in the yard and the garden yesterday, plus 750 gallons of water carried in the tote. Been doing 500-750 gallons every other day for 2??? weeks now and you can't tell, with the dying grass and cracks in the ground. I'd put 250 at a time in the driest spots. Open up and drive really, really slow. It kept the grass alive until today so it worked I guess.

I noticed what looked like some scout bee's looking at the "bee tree" in the back yard yesterday. I was staining some boxes the last few days to put some boxes on top of the current hives so they don't swarm and put another hive/swarm trap up, in case they do. I guess I was a little late. They were checking out some old brood comb I had out from one of the boxes I was restaining 2 days ago. I thought they were looking for some honey or something else that wasn't there. They may have just happened to be attracted to the smell while scouting for a home and since it was under said "bee tree" they didn't have far to go.
I got the next hive/swarm trap put together yesterday with old brood comb in it. Hopefully they find it before deciding to go in tree. I saw 1 bee out where the comb was this morning before 9, so they're out looking early.