CLSranch a journal to compensate my lack of memory.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Got taxes back and got another tire for the feed truck. Now it will have 2 new tires on the back:weee and a spare for front, a bald spare but a spare. Well almost, I got the tire. I wanted to take the truck to town to wash it and fill it up with fuel instead of just getting a 5 gal can every time me or the wife goes to town. I started to take it then thought this would be the day a OHP follows me to town. It hasn't been tagged in 6,7,8 years and the tires on there longer. I pulled the tag off the other truck then thought I'd better not. With old tag's completely different design you could see the difference a mile away. I had to put a cheater pipe on the 4-way to get the first tire off Sat. I couldn't get the other to budge even after twisting the 4-way 45degrees. I sprayed it with some creep oil, tried the impact, turned the air pressure 30 psi past suggested max and still could only get 1. Sun after church and more creep oil and impacting I had the wife help. She pulled the cheater pipe and I pulled the other side, still nadda. I'm going to have to take a torch to the lug nuts later today after it warms up. We had a 20 degree wind chill earlier.

I got to take some of that tax $ to pay the Insurance back charge. They sent a letter for a pay increase on the workman's comp that I only used for 6 weeks. Didn't use it just needed it for a 6 week job. I should've cancelled then. They wanted an audit to prove I wasn't using it cover 20 people below me or the price was going to double so I just cancelled. I guess to late and I'm getting back charged for the previous year :ep over $2k. They called for a settlement and I offered a payment but said I can't set it up for auto payments right now because I don't know if it'll be in there next month. They've already sent it to a lawyer. grrrr.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Checked a hive and the splits Sun 4-14-24. The one hive and split that I just slide the whole hive over and took the top box and put it in the original spot had the queen in it, instead of the other box. Either way works their is more stores for the unqueened colony to work with, although I moved it so all the returning forager bee's would go to the queenless hive. They were both a little aggravated by the time I finished them and the other split, which needed stores (honey, brood, pollen? and eggs) from the original hive in a separate location, so I waited until Monday to check that parent hive and steal 2 frames of stores from it to put back in the split. If I had another box ready I could've put a honey super on it. They were busting full of honey and sugar water (which I started putting out after the splits) even with 5 frames removed the week before. Next week or maybe sooner I may have to add a box to keep them from swarming. Hoping with the partially still empty frames last week and the 2 yesterday they stay. I didn't see any queen/swarm cells "yet". I could do it as soon as the wind calms down tonight or tomorrow but I want to take another frame or 2 next week to make sure the split does well. They didn't have a lot of eggs from all the honey filled frames, so not a lot of eggs to put in the split, but they only need one I guess. The only empty frames were from the completely empty frames put in last week that they haven't finished drawing out (making) the comb on.