Chillin' with the herd
I know this is an old post, but it is the only thread I found for what I'm seeing.
Got two 4 month old doelings a week ago. Two days ago I noticed a little bit of clumping. By clumping I mean the berries are individual berries, but stuck together. if you move it with your boot they fall apart. Today they seem to be less berry and more clumping. When you kick it with your boot they don't really fall apart, more of a squish. They are on probiotics (every other day), chaffhaye (which they had before) pasture (lots of clover and grasses) and come grass hay. They have free choice baking soda, kelp and goat minerals. I've added some Apple Cider Vinegar to their water, but they didn't seem to drink much, so I changed it to plain water.
Their temps have been between 102 and 103. I think that's fine. There has been some crusty eye gunk recently and I heard some sneezing. None of this has gotten any worse over the past two days. I bought some Di-methox , but I would rather not use it.
Do you think this is just change of environment and the travel or something that needs medicines?
Thanks, these are my first goats. (Nigerian Dwarfs)
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Got two 4 month old doelings a week ago. Two days ago I noticed a little bit of clumping. By clumping I mean the berries are individual berries, but stuck together. if you move it with your boot they fall apart. Today they seem to be less berry and more clumping. When you kick it with your boot they don't really fall apart, more of a squish. They are on probiotics (every other day), chaffhaye (which they had before) pasture (lots of clover and grasses) and come grass hay. They have free choice baking soda, kelp and goat minerals. I've added some Apple Cider Vinegar to their water, but they didn't seem to drink much, so I changed it to plain water.
Their temps have been between 102 and 103. I think that's fine. There has been some crusty eye gunk recently and I heard some sneezing. None of this has gotten any worse over the past two days. I bought some Di-methox , but I would rather not use it.
Do you think this is just change of environment and the travel or something that needs medicines?
Thanks, these are my first goats. (Nigerian Dwarfs)
Staff has moved this post to it's own thread for better visibility.