You will have that fence up before you know it. You have the determination to see it finished and it will be finished. When it's done, throw a party and have Joyce bake a cake. Take a picture and post it!
Had a pretty full day today, started out wrapping and twisting some more fencing and unfurled 2 rolls to the stretch point and planned to stretch them this afternoon. Time passes quickly when ya are busy, and before I knew it Joyce was switching out the birds. That meant it was time to clean the duck pen, so I stopped what I was doing to take care of that. Just as I finished, here came Joyce again for goat, did our daily routine with them. Afterwards, I came in and got some cold sweet tea and let my feet rest for just a bit, then back out to feed the goats their dinner, and then went to get started stretching, as thunder rolled off in the distance. I was sure hoping to get this done before the rain, then Joyce hollared that it was dinner time....I reluctantly went in to eat, or better termed "Scarf" down some grub...ran back out to the fence. Got things set up and stretched pretty good...thunder still sounding in the distance, but getting closer. Got some Tposts, got them in to help support...I put one in the middle and the other 2 are 16' from the center in each direction. Feeling pretty good...too good it seems...cause when I went to cut the middle strands to wrap and twist....I had cut the fence about 4-5" too short to reach around the post. All the air went out of my "Balloon"....
By this time it was time to tend to the ducks for the evening and do goat check. On the way back to the trlr it started sprinkling. So, now I have to think about the best way to add on to the fence to end it. Any ideas?....I know I'm not the only one to face the quandry....
It is 14 guage. I was thinking about just adding a piece in that is long enough, or twisting a wire into the fence next to the post and wrapping and twisting it back to the fence a couple of squares down from that.
This is one time that using welded wire will work in your favor. If you were using woven wire and tried to just live with it, it could unravel over time. It may not be the best way but since you are using welded wire you have enough nailing points to staple it enough to hold and wrap what you have left as best you can. You could nail 3 or 4 squares in a row and it isn't going anywhere soon.
There are ways to make it lay flat against the end post even if it isn't "wrapped' all the way around the post.
Thats good to Hear!....I actually thought there would be just a tad more stretch with it, but surely didn't want to be so precise. I will put some staples in it then and wrap and twist it, cause I think there is enough under the stretch bar to wrap and twist.