CntryBoy777 - The Lazy A** Acres Adventures


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Tis true. I was taking generic zyrtec plus allergy eye drops and about 1.5 years ago started on the Flonase. A couple of months ago I thought "um, Flonase is an anti allergen, I probably don't need the zyrtec too". Still need the Alaway though.

And it is time for 2 of the cats to go in for their physicals and shots. Not rabies this time. I'm going to turn down the shots, waste of money. They are for things one cat passes to another and there isn't ANY possibility our indoor cats can go nose to nose with any outside cat. There are no doors with floor level screens and I seriously doubt some outside cat (I've only seen the cat that lives across the road visit our property) is going to jump up repeatedly and breath on one of the cats if it is sitting in an open window. Not even if it had a trampoline to make it easier ;) BUT I've been paying all along because "you are supposed to get them vaccinated" and I never contemplated doing anything different.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Well the ducks decided to line up while there was fresh cool water to play in....we still have 12....but, 1 had to stay with the eggs.....:)..... IMAG2453.jpg.....we are suppose to get a break in the weather come Friday....lower humidity and temps in the upper 80s.....guess I'll be cutting grass and fishing this wknd....:)

Farmer Connie

True BYH Addict
Jun 21, 2017
Reaction score
North Central Florida
Welcome to the 'Crazy World' that is better known as The Lazy A** Acres....hopefully, my writing 'Style' won't upset too many here...I've been 'Instructed' about it before.....but, it seems that it is always the other individual that gets to 'Define' as to what is 'Proper' and what isn't.....yes I have an education.....and yes, I can do better, but I am a 'True Southerner' and have always had a bit of a 'Rebellious Sreak'...and have been described as 'Hard Headed' and contrary to 'Society'....most don't seem to get it when I respond 'Good' cause I don't care about being 'Included' with that crowd....we would much prefer to be in the 'Sticks' with our Animals....talking to them and being 'Needed' by them....makes for a much Better 'Way of Life' than having somebody on both sides of us that all ya gotta do is raise the window and 'Spit' and it hits another house/property.....we have 20 acres here with a spring fed has bream, bass, and catfish in it....but it isn't fenced around the perimeter with anything but rusted, no freedom to the pond for the ducks, chickens, and goats....we take the goats for 'Walks' back there to give them a good leg stretch...LOL!!....well enough said....need to introduce the 'Gang' to's the 'Herd Queen' Star....8yo 100% pygmy doe....View attachment 21883....we got her along with 2 wethers because we didn't know anything about goats and knew she could 'Teach' the boys better than we, she could teach us too....she had a really bad 'Skiddish' problem....but, is the best behaved that we have....justs Loves getting 'Attention' now from either of us....LOL....this is Lightning he is 16mnths and a boer/pygmy cross....66% pygmy....he is the most vocal and is the property 'Alert Signal' the other goats that 1 or both of us are Outside....or, he will alert us that something isn't 'Right' in their pen and need Help....View attachment 21884...there are some more pics of him that will come later he Loves to 'Perform'.....then there is the 'Brute', he is the 'Clown' of the Herd....but most assurredly is the 'Top Rung' of the ladder....he is all about his Belly....LOL!!....View attachment 21885....this is him 'Inspecting' the beginnings of the 'Cluck Hut/Quack Shack' ya can tell we 'Passed with Flying Colors'...LOL!!....actually I had pressed the button when he was on the Platform, but it snapped when he Jumped....couldn't believe I got that shot....going to end this here for now....but there will be much more to come...LOL!!
5 stars & one :\

Farmer Connie

True BYH Addict
Jun 21, 2017
Reaction score
North Central Florida
Well, time to get a couple more of the 'Gang' if ya don't have grandkids, then ya may not fully understand what I'm about to tell ya....those that Do...ya'll get it right away....being in the 'Sticks' has its drawbacks....'Feral Animals'....people just 'Drop them Off'....cats and dogs mostly....well a female came up one day and Joyce was 'Smitten' I had a male and he was getting old...was 9 and strictly an outside cat....he had some bobcat in him....but, I could do most anything with, we decided to have a 'Litter' to have an offspring of his...well to make a long story short...she had 3...all Male....right after she had 'Little Man' got in a tangle with something got wounded and Here is where those Gandkids come was along about this time they were coming for a visit...they live 300 mi, Gramma just had to allow them to 'Name' the, please Please don't think I had anything to do with it...ROTF!!

This is Ki-Ki....View attachment 21943..and this is Cheetos...View attachment 21944...he is a bit smaller than his Dad...but there are many similarities, though he IS 'Fixed'....but, with these 2 around they keep our area fairly cleared of rodents...except for squirrel...though they get a few of them too...they just Love to leave ya little 'Gifts' here and there...LOL!!....Ki-Ki keeps All other cats Out of her Territory....she most definitely is the 'Yard Queen'....found out that was what a female cat was Called...never knew it b4, makes Perfect 'Sense' too...cause we have an Inside cat too...'Rescued' her from the 'Belly Bag' of a mobile home...came up out of the hole the drain pipe of the tub that is in the subfloor...I tell ya it an Adventure around here...LOL
Here is Calli....View attachment 21945...I'll try to get a 'Head Shot' later...this ia all I have on phone right now....oh yeh, did some 'Whittlin' fencing up around chick/duck pen today....gotta stretch it and adjust...then the gate and we'll be in Business!!....LOL

I :loveCats..
This one is the last of our legacy..
Spike is 14 y/o but thinks he is three.
We lost 2 other long time feline companions in the last couple years. I miss them. They were characters to say the least.​
I grew some cat nip in the window this year. Spikey has a substance abuse problem now! The pic is from him spending to much time in that window and going bonkers in this box from a fan we just bought..

You have a wonderful place and a wonderful way with words btw.. Thanks for the thread and giving me a chance to contribute.:)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
I appreciate the kind words, thanks! We have a patch of catnip in the garden and the outside cats just love to lay and roll around right in the middle of it. This is the Patiarch of the ones we have now.....IMG_8779897387705.jpeg ...he was about 4-5yo in this pic. He was a real character, but the best cat I've ever been around....we were outside companions and he is the only cat that would actually come when I called him, and not at his convienance as most cats do.....we brought him with us from Florida when we moved here and he died 2.5yrs ago from wounds suffered in a fight with something....he never backed down from anything and ruled his territory.
In looking at your pic, I'd never have thought he was 14yo...and looks really nice. @Farmer Connie always feel free to join in any conversations here on my journal thread....for all are welcome here....:)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
I believe the break is upon us.....:weee:clap
We got up to rain this morning and the winds are now in the process of ****ing to be coming from the NW instead of the humid air from the S......if it dries enough by this afternoon I'll be able to get started cutting some grass. Of course the ducks are the only animals that are extremely active at the moment with so much fresh water everywhere.....sometime this wknd I will clean out their pen and, literally, Ditch the eggs in the nest....:sick:eek:.....hopefully none will explode on me.....but, it will be interesting as to how many are in there. One of the hens decided she had enough and is no longer, that leaves just 2 that are....but there is a Rouen that is acting like she is in the mood......:th:he.....I, however have learned the lesson and will use an incubator if/when we decide to go that route. The goats demanded to eat inside today....:gig......Surprise! Surprise!...:ep....they just don't want those little hooves to get wet and muddy :lol:


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Have actually been hoping for a little T-storm action over this way. The few storms that have been around have been within hearing range for the thunder, but far enough away that we've had virtually no rain. I think we had 1/8 of an inch in a 3am storm right after my son arrived. We're still under ongoing heat advisories with temps in the high 90's and "feels like" temps near 110. My son loves riding the lawn tractor (he has no yard out in Vegas) and I had to stop him from mowing the front field as it's so dry and hot it would scorch the field. Glad you're getting a break over your way. :clap Hope you're feeling better with it.