CntryBoy777 - The Lazy A** Acres Adventures


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
So basically it is safe to fish on the water when the water temp is below 65°, got it. :)

It will be interesting to see how old the ducks your Dottie is going to hatch have to get before they figure out Mama is "different" and maybe they would like to hang out in the water with the others that have feet similar to theirs. ;)

Farmer Connie

True BYH Addict
Jun 21, 2017
Reaction score
North Central Florida
....and the "Adventures" continue here at the Lazy A** Acres!!
We took the boys to town the Mexican restaurant and when we got back we found Star had become a convict and escaped the fence and was milling around in the backyard.....a small container with pellets and the trail went straight to the pen.....:) felt decent today outside, so earlier I walked around with them before we went to town.......View attachment 37229 ....that's the "Convict" on the far right.....she is a 10yr old doe and I think it actually made her feel good to do so....probably brought back memories of days gone past.....since then, her tail is a little higher and she is walking with her head lifted high too. I believe I found and fixed the escape point, so it shouldn't happen again in the same spot. I got started mowing around 3pm and it took 3hrs, but field2 is cut....and I didn't have to wring out my Tshirt afterwards....;).....while I was on my way back to the house I noticed this on the fence....View attachment 37230 is a passion flower vine the fruit it produces is a kiwi fruit looking thing, without the fuzz...just green....we used to call them may-pops....cause when ya squish them they may Pop and then they may not.....:gig.....I've never heard of them being eaten...good or poisonous, but the flower is sure pretty....they grow wild here, but as you can see the goats don't eat them either. I did notice on the mini "Goat Walk" that the lower leaves on the sumac are getting their fall colors....since they started leaving out so early this yr, they probably have decided it should be time to prepare for the rest cycle. An early Fall sure wouldn't hurt my feelings a single bit....:)
:thumbsupgood post!!:thumbsup


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I know your dad probably did too!....:gig....I know I would've been. I've seen them out pretty thick when I was frog gigging, but that was when I was a much younger man....:ep:lol:

Caught several big ones when I and brother was seining a pond and have pulled up more than one stringer of fish over the years to find a cottonmouth hanging on one of the fish.

A cottonmouth in a seine will make ya want to "Abandon Seine" and head for the shore quick like)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
@Farmer Connie they grow wild here and we have temps in the winter that get into the single digits, so I don't think the freeze there would have killed it. The vine dies back every year and it comes back from the roots or seed each year. They are very pretty and one of my favorites to see.....:)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Took advantage of the 69° temp this morning and a light cool breeze......this is what it looked like before I got started... IMAG2465.jpg...I've been whittling on the outside of the CPs and the goats have pitched in and helped, so I spent the morning helping Joyce on her side of them with the hedge shears to get the JG down and some of the wilderness. I wasn't taking time to find the blackberry canes amongst the mass, so there is some that was left for another time.....but, this is where it ended up at for now....IMAG2467.jpg IMAG2468.jpg there is still work to be done, but it certainly looks much better than it did....:)....the 'Herd' was inspecting the progress and nibbling at stuff as I threw some over the fence. After getting the JG out of their way, they have been working on the goldenrod, sumac, and honeysuckle pretty good. I'm trying to get this ready to poultry proof the CPs in order to get the birds out of their pens. Joyce has said that she is ready to pull plants up in the garden and is ready to begin the clean up before leaving season begins. I told her if she is finished with tending to it then the birds would be fine to get in there and eat bugs, peas, and some of the other things too.....and fertilize it while doing such....:), we will see if she is serious or not.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
69° temp :ep
Must be you had to break out the winter coats! ;)

Definitely let the fowl see if they can find anything interesting in the garden.
Yeh, that's unheard of around here in Aug.....but, it sure makes me yearn for Fall. I was just fine with a Tshirt on and wasn't going to waste the opportunity to do something about the crap that has been irritating me for a while now.....I see things that need doing, but have to wait for the conditions get right to tackle them....:)

Pastor Dave

Herd Master
Dec 24, 2015
Reaction score
Crawfordsville, IN
Even at my tender age, I have to take advantage when the temps here get below 75degs. My blood pressure meds say to stay out of direct sunlight. Yah right! I can only get abt half a day's work in when it's hot, and then take the rest of the day getting over being sick.

We had a couple days cool down and yesterday was only 70. It actually got cool enough last night with a breeze to make it feel too cool. It makes me want Fall to get here, but I figure it will get back in the 90's before I can enjoy the cool temps.

If I didn't have to worry abt running out of hay and needing the growing season, I believe I would rather it stay winter all the time. I could do without a deep freeze, but a little bit of freeze that thaws through the day sounds pretty good. I prefer adding a layer than passing out in the heat. Which unfortunately comes pretty close to happening. I think I could give up grilling, water melon, and flip flops if I could have chili, a hoodie, and football. And, I can still fish when it's cold!