I am a person with a very "Varied" work history.....and I do know a bit about a lot of things, but none of it translates to my "Life" today. I worked for a grocery supplier here, that was one of the largest in the nation. They were bought out by another bigger one and went down hill....they sucked the profits out of the old company and then parceled the separate warehouses in several states to smaller suppliers as they filed for bankruptcy. I saw the "Writing on the Wall" and left before the fall took place. My specialty was blending and improving communication between the warehouse, dispatch, buyers, sales reps, computer room, and supervisors. It was my job to compile, blend, and produce what the warehouses needed in order to get their shifts started on time pulling and loading the orders from the stores. My system was installed in the 2 big warehouses.....Memphis and Miami.....after I set up Miami I saw things changing.....and I am not corporate material, because I'm too outspoken and not a "Yes" man.....if ya don't want to hear the answer, then don't ask me the question. I became a "Marked" man and knew it was a matter of time before I was fired for upholding my principles....so, I quit and began unloading trucks. I got a look up that "Corporate Ladder" and knew I didn't wantt to be any part of that "World". I looked for a "Leaf" to crawl under and be happy standing at the "Bottom Rung of the Ladder" and only responsible for me. My x couldn't handle that cause I didn't aspire to be More....so, that ended and a whole new life unfolded....a couple of heart attacks and here I am....
No, no. Before the heart attacks was the long haul trucker gig!
Sorry to hear that the x was more into the money and "prestige" than a happy hubby. Happens a lot I imagine. You probably would have had those heart attacks sooner if you'ld stuck with the corporate jobs I bet. But you got a good one now that lives on your "plane" of needs and wants
After the 4yrs of loading/unloading trucks....I went to driving. It is probably the driving that gave me the HAs........the food, lack of rest, sitting much of the waking hrs, and putting up with people lying to ya everyday.....and the idiot drivers on the road..........they'll scare the be---Jeezies out of ya!!
True! Not exactly the lifestyle one's doctor would recommend for healthy living. You are doing much better now. You get exercise just doing the daily animal things not to mention fencing, mowing, etc. Maybe you need to resurrect "goat walk" for YOUR health even though they have a lot more space and don't need it now.
As the temps and humidity drops we go out and spend time with them.....and when I am doing work out there...they are always checking it out. They do miss the regularity of the walk, but I don't.........I'm waiting for a little more Fall type weather, then I will tackle a more "Active Lifestyle".....
The temps sure beat last yr here, but the dewpoints staying in the mid 70s sure makes the air thick....I've never sweated so much just watching ducks run around their pen.... The goats are sure licking salt and minerals each day too.
Man, I hear ya on the stifling humidity! I can handle heat, when the humidity is low. That's not to say I like it!But, I can at least manage to work in it.
However, when the humidity percentage is high, as in the 70's, and above, the sweat just pours off me! I have to wear a sweat band on my forehead, or the sweat runs in my eyes.