They mix the leaves and hay into the clay and add a little of their "magic potion" that makes it very fertile....and the wet breaks down the leaves and hay. When I put up the permanent fencing this will be inside and will work on building the low spot over there up some and put them in a basin to hold some water for a short period of time....
The basin that I put up will eventually fill with silt and washed dirt from further up the hill....along with all the leaves and plant matter each year.....I have to try and save the washing that is going on here and diverting and holding water flow to lessen the damage done. I'm planning on bringing in a few loads of fill dirt and build the backyard up some and flow water in pipes to the ditch, but I'm not going to think about it until something is settled. I've just been planning on tbings that doean't really matter if I stay or if we cleanup and stuff....benefits us if we stay and if we leave I've not lost very much $$ in the process....if we expand, it will allow time to get things done instead of having to clean it up first....
I haven't heard anything on that front and probably won't until I contact my sister....but, I'm trying to give her time to close oht all of Dad's business....and then, I have some questions to, we'll see how that goes.....believe me...not a single person here wants or wishes it done more than me, but wants and wishes never settled any issue.....
The past couple of days have been interesting to say the least and watching the animals during the day gives me some hope. The ducks have been very adventurous and have made their way into the back goat yard. They have been ripping and tearing the wet ground up and whatever else they could find in all the rain soaked leaves. Believe it or not, this was part of my original "plan" that is still in existance.......I wanted the ducks for the snail and slug control here to help in keeping liverflukes at bay.....because of all the deer we have thru here and the ditch. Tbis evening I walked over that way to snap a couple of pics for ya. This first one is a spot that the ducks pointed out to me that needed some attention.....seems the waterflow washed an area under the fence.....of course it took 3 of them to point it out by getting under of the fence....
....I used a chunk of the black walnut that I was gonna send @Bruce a piece of....since it was right handy. This is a wash on a mole run that is in the area and the ducks were kind enough to bare it out so I could see it and not step in are some of it down to the storage bldg.... ....also, since I was in the area, I thought I'd share for the first time the inside of the old guinea pen...... ....this is what the big "Greed Monster" grows on....I think Bruce named it, but ya can see the roost poles.....the roof is rusted poultry wire, so there isn't any telling just how much crap would fall on ya, or which sneeze might cause it....but, it is on the cleanup list....
I got a good pic of Gabbie too....well okay 2........ if ya compare her stances ya can see there was "activity" between the pic takes....I think she got tired....