Herd Master
I dug those up for @Devonviolet from our DD's yard, she has nice big plants growing everywhere. We have them growing out in the woods on our place. I need to do some transplanting.......
Well, I probably could have gotten a better pic, but was bending over with an aching back and painful hip...but, it is certainly a wild violet....there are millions of them around here, in fact we are trying to eliminate them from a few areas without spraying....cause it is mainly around the garden that we are trying to clean up.....if ya lived closer we'd give ya all ya wanted.....I didn't see any of the classic heart shaped leaves, but that sure looks like a violet flower, to me.
Here too ... if you count not being able to see where the burn pit is now that I burned it and it is covered, along with the rest of the property, by 18" of snow as "spring".It does seem that Spring is certainly on the way here
We picked up the grandsons today and brought them back to the house for a wonderful 10day stay. We took several precautions with Gabbie so they all could get used to each other without any set-backs. She rode with them from picking her up to meet us and to bring her home, but wasn't sure if she would remember them or not at such a houng age and only for a short time....whether she did or didn't could be debated forever, but their meeting was a pleasent surprise and they all took to each other without any problem. She really shined as the youngest of the boys began giving her commands and she obeyed without hesitation....he was absolutely thrilled that a dog that size would listen to him and he played with her all afternoon. I told Joyce we need to keep him here with us and adopt him as Gabbie's playmate.........when his mom called this evening he couldn't stop telling her all about their adventures and that he really....Really Loves Gabbie!!.....she has made us proud and has impressed us to the extint the training has made with her. Both of the boys just can't get enough of playing with her on the stairs with the ball....which may come in handy since we have 8days straight with a chance of rain....built in inside excercise for both kids and dog.....
....I'll have to get some pics and permission to share some pics of them together....