I have a shot at medical records, but the property taxes were always paid by my Dad....as far as any witnesses the only one I can think of right off hand is dead....Mom and Dad were pretty tight lipped about those kinds of things. I'm not going to scratch, claw, and peck at things....but, the decent thing to do is being honest, forthcoming, and open to the concerned parties.....I can cause other issues for her to have to deal with as can my brother....but, sure don't want it to come to that if it can be at all avoided....I may have to move somewhere, but she'll have to deal with the aftermath of her decision....
Not sure how it works by you but you should check with your state vital records as to how to go about getting a copy of the death certificate. If he was buried through a funeral home, they could be of help too.
When my dad died, I had to get copies of my grandparent's death certificates for my mom for paper work. I could only get uncertified as I wasn't a spouse or child.
The funeral home will usually offer a small number of death certificates to immediate family members (surviving spouse (if any) and legal surviving children..the 1st one free, the others at a nominal cost.
Should have been done/spelled out when final plan details were being finalized immediately after his death. After that, it has to be requested thru whatever state agency (a bureau of vital statistics type name) handles it there.
Medical records themselves tho, are difficult to get by anyone without medical POA. State and federal regs kick in for patient privacy protection. HIPAA for instance, allows health care providers to divulge information about a patient to family members providing the patient (or a person with that patient's medical POA) doesn't object.
Well, our difficulty in that aspect was we were never told or informed of any service or even the date of the service until it was already in progress 2hr drive south of here. There have been facts gathered off of FB posts....but, some access and individuals have been blocked, so content can't be viewed as readily....this whole thing just ain't right, but we will see if it is all legal or not...that is what counts...if it isn't legal, then she better get her ducks in a row is all I can say....I do have txts back and forth with her that covers some very interesting topics of discussion....
This can be summed up in one word. Greed. What a miserable way to live. You can pick your friends, but you're born with your family. Nothing says that you have to keep them or spend your life having to put up with them. Sometimes you're better off without certain family members.
I've been thinking about you problems here lately. I'm sorry for the anguish you are being put thru. Out of all the battles that I've personally have had to over come, have been with family more so than friends. Just remember, you still have friends supporting you. No matter what the outcome of the present events unfolding.
Praying on my knees with fingers crossed for you to cover both bases, being luck & faith. I wish and hope this can be resolved, without dividing your family. I know first hand how estate dividends go.. the dark side of the human race surfaces. Take care my friend. I wish you peace of mind.
Well @Farmer Connie , I appreciate that...and I guess I've spewed enough about that mess....and revealed too much of my alter ego, but when things stick in my craw I just can't help it....I'll update some as things move along....but, best to not reveal too much....too soon....